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Old January 20, 2004, 11:34   #1
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamPtWDG2 Cake or Death?Apolyton University
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BUG? - University cost vs Heroic epic
Yeah, sounds weird, but I couldn't think of a better subject line. Help me figure out if this is a bug or if I'm just loopy(a distinct possibility).

BETA patch 1.15, new game.
City A: 1 turn to complete Heroic Epic(Listed in 'pedia as 200 Shields; listed in editor as Cost = 20 IIRC)
City B: 31 turns to complete Sistine.

Research: 1 turn to research Education and make Universities available.

Since war is at least 20 turns away, maybe 40, I figure a University will net me more than the Epic in the short term.
I check the 'pedia and University is also listed as a 200 shield build(Yippee!)

City A is my capitol, though, and has nothing to switch to for one turn, so I shuffle things around, put City B on a Palace and City A on Sistine for one turn. Education comes in.

When I go to switch my City A to a University which will complete in 1 turn, since it cost the same as the Epic(so I thought) with 1 turn worth of shield-loss that I deemed minor, my Advisor tells me I will lose 103 shields! I cancel that and out of curiousity try to switch back to the Heroic Epic. My Advisor tells me that I will lost 3 (three) shields.

Crestfallen and confused, I quit for the night. This morning I was inspired to check costs in the editor - maybe the 'pedia was just wrong - but they are both listed as the same cost (20, IIRC) .

I'm completely stumped. I'd much rather have a University next turn and whip out the Heroic Epic again, but I'm not willing to lose 103 shields.

I can't figure out how this can be, since they "cost" the same in the editor and the 'pedia says they both cost the same. What's the deal? Is this a bug where the biq file is messing with something? Is my advisor just loopy? Is the 'pedia wrong? Is there a cost multiplier for certain buildings based on difficulty level? Does the 'pedia adjust costs as displayed based on civ traits or are they hardcoded?

I hope it's not a bug and I'm just overlooking something really stupid. I'd rather look a fool than have building costs be screwy.

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Old January 20, 2004, 12:23   #2
PtWDG Gathering StormPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafC4DG Gathering Storm
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Are you a scientific civ?
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Old January 20, 2004, 12:26   #3
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamPtWDG2 Cake or Death?Apolyton University
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Ah, yes I am! Doh!
So the 'pedia is not dynamic? Grr.
If it can remember to show my UU it should be able to show correct building costs.

Double Grr.

I sure feel silly now, but also a tad disappointed.
Thanks for the smack on the forehead, vulture.
Maybe I'll change my name to dummi.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
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Old January 20, 2004, 12:36   #4
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I think we've all had similar experiences at some point.

Good point re the 'pedia though. There is no reason why it couldn't be set up to give you the costs of temples, libraries etc. for your civ with its traits - aside from programmers not thinking of it or not having time to do it (along with 500 other things that they could do).
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Old January 20, 2004, 13:00   #5
Johann Moritz
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Do you mean the building cost of the University has been increased? I thought it was 120...
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