View Poll Results: Who is the Mafia?
ADG 6 12.24%
Skanky Burns 5 10.20%
DrSpike 5 10.20%
Pave 4 8.16%
Hercules 5 10.20%
Drogue 5 10.20%
Kassiopeia 4 8.16%
HongHu 11 22.45%
Duke o' York 3 6.12%
Banana Mia! 1 2.04%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 49. You may not vote on this poll

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Old February 20, 2004, 07:25   #211
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Jonny and HongHu, and it seems a lot of us figured out HongHu but nobody voted for her.

I never had a clue about Jonny though. Count me in for Mafia X.
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Old February 20, 2004, 08:19   #212
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Learn your lesson.
Yes. Unless you're the Mafia the next round.

Good game all.
Indeed so, and chalk me up for Mafia 10 as well.
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Old February 20, 2004, 08:24   #213
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Count me in Mafia 10!
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Old February 20, 2004, 08:31   #214
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Ladykillers Skanky Burns and Hercules got rid of their lady killer HongHu at the last opportunity.

How they were going to re-populate the village was not on their mind right now as they enjoyed their fish and beer.

Game Over

Post Mortem
Congratulations to surviving villagers Skanky and Herc
Both Mafiosi played a very good game as well. HongHu survived very long, despite several people picking her in the sweepstakes. Jonny played excellently before his unfortunate death at the hands of HongHu (more on that below).

The clue that was there all along lied in the victims. Not in who the victims were, but in how they were.
Jonny's victims were always strung up high, indicating a relatively strong killer. HongHu's victims were always in a weakened state (intoxicated, sleeping, blunt force, drugged), indicating a relatively weak killer.

The term "blue on blue" is a Navy term, which means the same as "friendly fire". This was suppose to indicate that one Mafioso had killed the other, but it didn't work out as I hoped =)

Interesting Facts
  • The kill order for CapitanGarlic was submitted before he made the "please don't kill me"-comment.

  • Everyone killed by the village had at least one "a" in his name until one of the Mafiosi was dead.

  • If Herc was the one to be killed by the village, HongHu would have committed suicide (hanging) instead of killing Skanky, leaving Skanky a suicide note in the form of this poem:
    Mild is the parting year and sweet
    The odour of the falling spray;
    Life passes on more rudely fleet,
    And balmless is its closing day.

    I wait its close, I court its gloom,
    But mourn that never must there fall;
    Or on my breast or on my tomb
    The tear that would have soothed it all.

    That's it. Thank you for playing, and I'll see you all at Mafia X!
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    Old February 20, 2004, 08:34   #215
    Skanky Burns
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    Mafia 10 Signup thread is now open.

    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
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    Old February 20, 2004, 08:35   #216
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    Originally posted by Zopperoni
    Interesting Facts
  • The kill order for CapitanGarlic was submitted before he made the "please don't kill me"-comment.

  • Everyone killed by the village had at least one "a" in his name until one of the Mafiosi was dead.

  • If Herc was the one to be killed by the village, HongHu would have committed suicide (hanging) instead of killing Skanky, leaving Skanky a suicide note in the form of this poem:
    Mild is the parting year and sweet
    The odour of the falling spray;
    Life passes on more rudely fleet,
    And balmless is its closing day.

    I wait its close, I court its gloom,
    But mourn that never must there fall;
    Or on my breast or on my tomb
    The tear that would have soothed it all.

  • *all together now*

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    Old February 20, 2004, 08:41   #217
    duke o' york
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    God, Honghu! There are loads of words that rhyme with shoes (but very few that rhyme with purple, I admit)!
    "When we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys,
    And I wonder if we'll remember when we were two little boys!"
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    Old February 20, 2004, 08:52   #218
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    /me joins the others:

    This space is empty... or is it?
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    Old February 20, 2004, 09:22   #219
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    Congrats to all.

    Toast this one.
    The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
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