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Old April 13, 2004, 06:39   #301
Skanky Burns
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Its a shame I don't allow changing votes, otherwise I'd add a vote in for Morrowind.

Rank	Game / Series					Total Points

1	Civilization 2						733

2	Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri				472

3	Call to Power						356

4	Civilization 1						308

5	Civilization 3						305

6	Call to Power 2						302

7	Baldur's Gate 2						152

8	Morrowind						146

9	Master of Orion 2					135

10	XCom: Enemy Unknown					120

11	Pirates							116

12	Starcraft						112

13	Sim City 2000						108

14	Deus Ex							105
14	Master of Orion						105

16	Fallout 2						103
16	Grand Theft Auto: Vice City				103

18	Doom							95

19	Half Life						94

20	Master of Magic						80
20	Quake 1							80

22	Planescape: Torment					78

23	Panzer General 2					76

24	Baldur's Gate 1						74

25	Age of Empires						73
25	Grand Theft Auto 3					73

27	Madden NFL 2004						72
27	Sim City 4						72
27	Warcraft 3						72

30	Europa Universalis 2					71

31	Colonization						70
31	Fallout 1						70
31	Wolfenstein 3D						70

34	Commander Keen						66
34	Heroes of Might and Magic 3				66

36	Railroad Tycoon 2					64

37	Age of Empires 2					57

38	Championship Manager '98				56
38	Galactic Civilizations					56
38	Neverwinter Nights					56

41	Final Fantasy 7						55

42	Elite							54

43	Knights of the Old Republic				53

44	Pro Evolution Soccer 3					51

45	Diablo 2						50
45	Tetris							50

47	Heroes of Might and Magic 2				49

48	Unreal Tournament					46

49	M.U.L.E							43
49	Transport Tycoon Deluxe					43

51	Super Mario Kart					40
51	Thief 1							40

53	Settlers 2 - Veni Vidi Vici				38

54	Grim Fandango						36

55	System Shock 2						35
55	Tie Fighter						35

57	Ancient Domains of Mystery				34
57	Monkey Island 1						34
57	Panzer General 1					34

60	Dominions 2						33

61	Imperialism 2						32

62	Championship Manager '02				31
62	Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past			31
62	Rise of Nations						31
62	Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1				31
62	Syndicate Wars						31

67	Max Payne						29
67	Railroad Tycoon						29

69	Europa Universalis					27
69	Thief 2							27
69	Warcraft 2						27

72	Elite 2							26
72	Gran Turismo 2						26

74	Duke Nuke'em						24
74	Leisure Suit Larry 1					24
74	Rollercoaster Tycoon					24

77	Counter Strike						23
77	Grand Theft Auto 2					23

79	Caesar 3						22
79	HALO							22
79	Hearts of Iron						22
79	Magic: The Gathering					22
79	Sim City 3000						22
79	Warcraft						22

85	Diablo							21
85	Doom 2							21
85	People's General					21
85	Sam and Max HTR						21

89	Final Fantasy 3						20
89	Medieval Total War					20
89	Myth 2							20
89	Nethack							20
89	Oberin							20
89	Pirates Gold!						20
89	Port Royale						20
89	Resident Evil 1						20
89	Shogun: Total War					20
89	Ultima 7						20
89	Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution				20

100	Broken Sword						19
100	Commandos						19
100	Mario Bros						19
100	Pharaoh							19

104	Arcanum							18
104	Battle Isle 3						18
104	Gran Turismo 3						18
104	Lords of Magic						18
104	Space Empires 4						18
104	Steel Panthers						18
104	TacOps							18
104	Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004				18
104	X-Wing							18
104	Zeus: Master of Olympos					18

114	Total Annihilation					17

115	Call of Duty						16
115	Chess Master 7000					16
115	Command and Conquer Generals				16
115	Dino Crisis 2						16
115	Dragon Warrior						16
115	Final Fantasy 10					16
115	Gabriel Knight 1					16
115	Guilty Gear XX: Reloaded				16
115	Might and Magic 6					16
115	Monkey Island 2						16
115	Taenaria Derivia Zallus Kitara (TDZK)			16
115	San Francisco Rush 2					16
115	Sonic the Hedgehog					16
115	Space Empires 2						16
115	Uplink							16
115	V for Victory						16
115	Warlords 3						16
115	Warlords: Battlecry 1					16

133	Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time			15

134	Astrosmash						13
134	Atomic Bomberman					13
134	Baseball Mogul						13
134	Cossacks						13
134	Dino Crisis 1						13
134	Freecell						13
134	Gabriel Knight 2					13
134	IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles			13
134	Jedi Knight - Jedi Outcast				13
134	Medal of Honor: Allied Assault				13
134	Operation Flashpoint					13
134	Phantasy Star						13
134	Sensible World of Soccer				13
134	Shenmue							13
134	Starfleet Command					13
134	Strategic Conquest					13
134	Super Mario Bros 3					13
134	Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo				13
134	TV Sports Basketball					13
134	Wing Commander 2					13

154	Bards Tale						12
154	Imperialism 1						12
154	Return to Castle Wolfenstein				12
154	Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1				12
154	Wizardry						12

159	Goldeneye						11
159	Populous						11
159	Star Control 2						11

162	Autoduel						10
162	Bases Loaded 2						10
162	Battlefield 1942					10
162	Birthright - Gorgon's Alliance				10
162	Caesar 2						10
162	Colin McRae Rally 3					10
162	Desperados						10
162	Devil May Cry						10
162	Diplomacy						10
162	Empires: Dawn of the Modern World			10
162	Fantasy General						10
162	Gabriel Knight 3					10
162	Jagged Alliance 2					10
162	Knights of the Sky					10
162	Majesty							10
162	Metal Gear Solid					10
162	Need for Speed: Underground				10
162	NHL '93							10
162	Nibbles							10
162	Pacific General						10
162	Pacific Theater of Operations 2				10
162	Pools of Darkness					10
162	Red Baron						10
162	Red Storm Rising					10
162	Schizm							10
162	Sid Meier's Gettysburg					10
162	Sim City						10
162	Stars!							10
162	Tomb Raider						10
162	Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3				10
162	Tradewars 2002						10
162	Victoria						10
162	Warlords 2						10
162	Wing Commander Prophecy					10

196	Command and Conquer					9

197	Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic				8
197	Axis and Allies						8
197	Daggerfall						8
197	Escape Velocity Nova					8
197	Flying Heroes						8
197	Getaway							8
197	Heart of Darkness					8
197	Lords of Conquest					8
197	Marvel VS Capcom 2					8
197	Metroid Prime						8
197	Monkey Island 3						8
197	NBA Live 2004						8
197	NHL '95							8
197	Pacman							8
197	Resident Evil 2						8
197	Silent Hill						8
197	Super Dodge Ball					8
197	Wasteland						8

215	Heroes of Might and Magic 4				7
215	Ultima 4						7

217	Advance Wars						6
217	Allegiance						6
217	Battlefield Vietnam					6
217	Chrono Trigger						6
217	Dungeon Keeper 2					6
217	Exile							6
217	FreeCiv							6
217	Helicopter Game						6
217	Imperium Galactica 1					6
217	LOTR - Two Towers					6
217	Minesweeper						6
217	No One Lives Forever 2					6
217	Pinball Fantasies					6
217	Re-volt							6
217	Resident Evil 3						6
217	Rock Raiders						6
217	Silent Hill 3						6
217	Street Fighter Alpha 3					6
217	Tyrian							6
217	Whack the Penguin					6
217	Wizardry 8						6
217	XCom: Apocalypse					6
217	XCom: Terror From the Deep				6

240	Blades of Exile						4
240	Cadaver							4
240	Command and Conquer Red Alert				4
240	Damage Inc.						4
240	Defend your Castle					4
240	Final Fantasy 8						4
240	Flight Simulator 2000					4
240	Grand Theft Auto					4
240	Grandia 2						4
240	Icewind Dale 1						4
240	Icewind Dale 2						4
240	NHL 2004						4
240	NiGHTS into Dreams					4
240	Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2				4
240	Solitaire						4
240	Street Fighter 2					4
240	Sudden Strike 2						4
240	Super Metroid						4
240	Tiger Woods Golf 2003					4
240	TV Sports Boxing					4
240	Unreal Tournament 2003					4

261	Alien versus Predator					3
261	Anno 1602						3
261	Black and White						3
261	Day of the Tentacle					3
261	Dividead						3
261	Dungeon Keeper						3
261	Dungeon of Doom						3
261	ESPN NFL Football					3
261	Everquest						3
261	Freespace 2						3
261	General Chaos						3
261	Glider Pro						3
261	Jumpman Jr.						3
261	Lego Racers 2						3
261	Liberty Of Death					3
261	Max Payne 2						3
261	Morpheus						3
261	Quest for Glory 2					3
261	Riven							3
261	Roll Cage Stage 2					3
261	Seven Cities of Gold					3
261	Sim Golf						3
261	Simpsons Hit and Run					3
261	Soldiers of Fortune 2					3
261	Sonic the Hedgehog 2					3
261	Speed Freaks						3
261	Star Fox 64						3
261	Star Wars Rebellion					3
261	Tekken Tag Tournament					3
261	Viet Cong						3
261	Worms World Party					3

292	1820 Railroads and Robber Barons			2
292	Age of Mythology					2
292	Alternate Reality					2
292	Blue Maxx						2
292	Bookworm						2
292	Donkey Kong Country					2
292	European Air War					2
292	Exile 3							2
292	F19 Stealth Fighter					2
292	FIFA							2
292	Galaga							2
292	Generally						2
292	Gothic 2						2
292	Hollywood Mogul						2
292	Homeworld						2
292	Imperium Galactica 2					2
292	Megaman 3						2
292	Need for Speed 2					2
292	Nobunagas Ambition					2
292	Outcast							2
292	Quake 3							2
292	Rainbow 6:3						2
292	Robert E. Lee: Civil War General			2
292	SkiJunkie's Blood Bowl Java Server/Client		2
292	Space Empires 3						2
292	Space Invaders						2
292	Street Fighter 3: Third Strike				2
292	Super Mario World					2
292	Syndicate						2
292	Tomb Raider 3						2
292	Tropico							2
292	Uridium							2
292	URU							2
292	World Championship Snooker 2003				2
292	Windows Pinball						2
292	ZORK							2
Last added: ljcvetko
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

Last edited by Skanky Burns; April 13, 2004 at 19:06.
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Old April 13, 2004, 06:44   #302
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Just change the rule, to allow changing of votes... the document I gave you makes it easy to change votes
This space is empty... or is it?
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Old April 13, 2004, 07:13   #303
Skanky Burns
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Its more keeping track of them here.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
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Old April 13, 2004, 16:38   #304
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Heroes of Might and Magic 6 does not exist. It should be just Might and Magic 6. Heroes of Might and Magic is not an RPG and they are working on version 5 now.
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Old April 13, 2004, 19:06   #305
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Doesn't that break some type of copyright?
Oh well, updated. Thanks.
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Old April 13, 2004, 19:16   #306
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No, they are distinct but linked gaming series.
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Old April 14, 2004, 07:25   #307
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/me laughs at Civ 3
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Old April 14, 2004, 10:51   #308
Skanky Burns
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Its the newest of the lot too, which means it should have more fans than the other games. :shrug:
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Old April 14, 2004, 15:12   #309
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1. CtP2 - at the moment, it deserves the spot, with all the source release and the great stuff going around.
2. Civ 1 - That's what got me into civ in the first place, and that's the game that took hundreds of hours from me, so there it goes.
3. Doom - it's a complete classic, I've first played it so long ago that I can't remember, and I still enjoy it more than any other FPS.
4. Age of Empires 2 - that's what a RTS game is supposed to be. It's well balanced, very polished, and everything about it works. Amazing fanbase community.
5. Morrowind - in my narrow expierience, that's the best RPG, replayability of which is enhancable by plugins forever.
6. Rise of Nations - the most polished game I've seen with a great interface, this could be the new pattern for RTS games to follow. It's a shame it got old for me too quickly, like it apparently did for many Apolytoners, but I may give this one another try - it doesn't have any of the typical RTS problems, after all.
7. SMAC - a great civ-game with fantastic concepts and excellent atmosphere and settings. It's only a shame that the graphics were so bad that it was hard to ignore, and that the game was plagued with bugs, and an AI absolutely unable to understand half of the concepts.
8. CtP1 - with many unfixed issues on its own, I was absolutely startled when I first saw it. If not CtP2, this would be in the number 1 position.
9. Civ 3 - got to give it a mention, too. A highly enjoyable civ game, excellent at first sight, but unfortunately I later discover that many things work bad, or not as good as they could.
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Old April 14, 2004, 23:17   #310
Skanky Burns
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You can add one more game.
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Old April 15, 2004, 02:14   #311
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10. Civilization ****ing 2. How can you possibly include all of the Civ games, including CTP, except for one. One that is, incidentally, by far the greatest civ game ever created as picked by civ fans?
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Old April 15, 2004, 06:07   #312
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Hehe, he had a space left as well.
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Old April 15, 2004, 08:06   #313
duke o' york
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So Jaguar Warrior, why then is Civ 2 tenth and CTP first in your list? That doesn't seem to make a great deal of sense, given what you just posted.
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Old April 15, 2004, 08:17   #314
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His list had Civ2 top.
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Old April 15, 2004, 08:31   #315
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I got confused because it looked just like a continuation of Solver's post.

Still, Civ 2 would definitely appear to be the leetest in town, knocking all contenders into a cocked hat. I am reliably informed that the mot juste at this instance would simply have to be woot.
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Old April 15, 2004, 08:33   #316
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Well he added Civ2 in as 10 because Solver left a gap. He wasn't saying he would put it at 10 - check his list above.

Anyway I agree, the result is the correct one.
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Old April 15, 2004, 08:39   #317
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Originally posted by DrSpike
Anyway I agree, the result is the correct one.
It all boils down to preferences, though I agree Civ2 is a great and amazing game I think it is now outdated.

Some mechanics are now weird and can spoil a MP game (an army of diplomats stealing techs one after the other is something that has really pissed me off).

But it is only my two cents of a Euro opinion about it.
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Old April 15, 2004, 10:30   #318
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Civ2 is probably the worst of all Civ games, though it's a close contest with Civ3.

Go CtP2 and Civ1!
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Old April 15, 2004, 10:34   #319
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Euh Locutus...don't you think p*ssing of the Civ3 groupies is enough for one post.
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Old April 15, 2004, 10:50   #320
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Originally posted by Locutus
Civ2 is probably the worst of all Civ games, though it's a close contest with Civ3.

Go CtP2 and Civ1!
I second our dear CtP and CtP2 moderator, though Civ2 was a great game it was also the only one on the market hence the best... Civ3 does not have this excuse and Civ2 does not have it anymore.

But these are only preferences.
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