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Old March 13, 2001, 21:54   #1
Grandpa Troll
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25 City Maximum Challenge
I am trying a new them with my Big 'Ole Map...

I start with me plus 7 AI's and of course Barbarians...

I Give each civ 25 Settlers...

I EXCLUDE Settlers/Sea Engineers/Urban Planners

I go to risks.txt and put ZERO Chance for finding a city and settler unit

It is going ok so far..I am leading in 2 catergories so far through 45 turns...

I have on 1 turn = 1 year

I have also on Bloodlust..

I made a gentlemans agreement with myself..NO TREATIES with anyone

I am gonna take on AI with no allies/agreements/peace accords!!

I will let you know how things are progressing..

I am tempted to play until say I get 500 turns..since I usually win..then go and pick worse ai in game and try to make a go of it..

I believe this would be a spin to what I have been reading about where people play a game for 25 turns then send it away to someone else..then they play it and so forth...

I'll keep you posted!

Happy Civin


Hebrews 11:1

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Old March 14, 2001, 11:11   #2
The Courts of Candle'Bre
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Just a thought...

You may have to give all the civs, including yours, a government that will support all those cities that they will be building on the first few turns.

And the distance factors may have to be adjusted too.
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Old March 14, 2001, 15:32   #3
Hannibal Ad Portas
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I see your playing around to get a different game experience,
try this for kicks, start as normal then switch to being the barbarian
on turn 1.No excuses now,just see how you do.
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Old March 14, 2001, 18:14   #4
Grandpa Troll
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Me smells me something a brewin..Thanks folks for the input..and BTW..I had some happiness problems with too many cities earlier..but a few theaters and shrines plus Ramanya..solved those problems!


Hebrews 11:1

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and things unseen
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Old March 24, 2001, 10:53   #5
Grandpa Troll
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I am at turn 85...

All is ok so far..

It takes about two minutes to load saved game..but then only 10 seconds between turns..

I gave 2 million gold at start of game to each ai civ

then at about turn 60 gave another 1 million gold

they are staying close except 1 ai....

I have met twwo of ai and have agreed upon honor system to not accept any/all gifts/demands or requests from ai..
in esssence I am attempting to create aan ai attack so as it will be an interesting game..

I shall keep you posted..

Yours in Civin


Hebrews 11:1

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and things unseen
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Old March 25, 2001, 15:48   #6
Grandpa Troll
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Ok..update again..

I am at turn 105..all science is now researched..and I am at a hard battle against the Greeks..(Orange)..they have a fascist govt...lots of attacking fascists..But I now have some Tanks, War Walkers and a Leviathan..defending a forward city..close to their territory..and really ticking them I am almost ready to start a BLITZKREIG..I soon will start rolling out Fusion Tanks..and clean up attacking troops..then come the cities...

That giving the AI 3 Million Gold is a BIG Bonus for an AI that is so far a pretty good foe..

I will keep you posted

I do love this map..I checked it is actually a 300 X 600 Map..Sweet Big Old Land Battle...Next one will be a Continent with lots of Ocean Battles!!

Yours in Civin


Hebrews 11:1

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and things unseen
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Old March 27, 2001, 08:58   #7
Grandpa Troll
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Turn 115..I am almost done building all improvements I can..and the Greeks..well..they are a real pesky lot..sometimes throwing Calvary at me..and they are constantly attacking my three forward cities..I have built the Globesat..and it looks like a Macy's Day Thanksgiving parade..they have nearly 100 units moving my way..while my Leviathan's Moan..for the opportunity to defend my three forward Jewels! It take about three minutes to load a saved game file..but about 20 seconds between turns...

The Brown civilization..which is #3..started attacking but stopped after losing a few asked for a peace treaty..and as earlier stated..I wont accept anything from the AI..only Blood!..and of course cities...

I am having so much fun..and am considering a similiar game next time..but with 4 civs..and unlimited Urban Planners..only excluding sea engineers as well as as to give the ai a chance to get organized before it goes on a world wide building spree of cities...

Tours in Civin


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Old March 27, 2001, 14:13   #8
David Murray
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It is truly a miracle that the AI is actually attacking you and yet you aren't using Frenzy Mod. What is the secret to your success?

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Old March 27, 2001, 18:56   #9
Grandpa Troll
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Originally posted by David Murray on 03-27-2001 01:13 PM
It is truly a miracle that the AI is actually attacking you and yet you aren't using Frenzy Mod. What is the secret to your success?

I believe I read somewhere that the AI and its actions/RE-actions depend a lot upon how you are dealing with other civilizations. As earlier stated..I made a "Pact"..with of course honor system..I would NOT accept anything..GOLD,Maps Exchange, requests to leave territory or even peace treaties/cease-fire agreements!

This really ticks off ai you know..I mean, I have lots of EL-Cheapo units headed after the ruins for gold and such..and I walk right through anyone's territory I chose..

The Greeks..(Orange)..are one of my neighbors..and they dont care for my presence..even though I am about 2 full city radius from their closest city radius..

I am really enjoying this..a bit more competitive than remember I TWICE gave them all Gold, 2 Million then a little while later 1 million.

I havent check to see how they are squandering, although i can assure you Greeks are plugging out the fascists as quick as they can....for now...

Yours in Civin


Hebrews 11:1

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and things unseen
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Old March 30, 2001, 08:57   #10
Grandpa Troll
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I am now at turn 130...still having a serious barage of attacks upon my two forward cities..its like Leningrad or the Stalingrad during WW2...but alas..11 Fascists vs Leviathans and Tanks dont bode well for success.

I am holding exchanges..I tresspass..I demannnd nothing agree to nothing..I have been offered peace treaties..i send them where the sun dont shine..I soon will be building a massive Military and then I am gonna take out a few Orange Cities..say..right in the middle..and defend them..and then attack.....aggressively some unsuspecting anger the masses..and perhaps bring on Armegeddon..

I will post soon....

The turns are about 1 minute between now..not too terrible...

Yours in Civin


Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds MY voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me.
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