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Old May 4, 2000, 09:50   #31
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So you wouldn't build Marco's??? I know that it's not down on the list of wonders you normally build!! But isn't it really helpful for knowing who's inventing what and when!!! you can then plan what you invent around what they're inventing, to get better trades, possibly to get more alliances?!?! I know when the un comes along i miss it something rotten if i don't get that too!!!!!!

It's funny this has cropped up, i almost rushed baught marco's before i shut down last night, but i wrote a post it note to do it tonight, maybe i won't now!! but i don't think that the observatory will be available in time?!?! I can see i need plenty of practice here!!!!
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Old May 4, 2000, 10:02   #32
Scouse Gits
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Hey - this is getting to be a bit of a sermon... Sorry if you feel that I am preaching - I guess its the lecturer in me.

When you say you don't think the Observatory will be available in time - does that mean that you have set your city to building a Wonder from scratch? Once you have trade you NEVER set off to build a Wonder - you can be seriously inconvenienced by all sorts of random variables - barbarian landings, surprise builds by the AI, unexpected techs just landing at your feet - always build and stock pile caravans - any rushing you do costs 2.5g per shield in a caravan and 4g per shield in a Wonder - but the caravan to Wonder transformation is 1:1 so you can get your 6 caravans = Copernicus' Observatory faster than you can build it any other way!

Good civin'

Scouse Git[1]

"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
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Old May 4, 2000, 10:15   #33
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No, it's fine!! you're not lecturing!! it's all good advice!!!!! I mean, i said earlier about my normal strategy being to spread like rabbits, 20/30 cities ASAP!!! but it's taking me a little while to adjust!!

It's very useful info about the caravan/wonder thing!!! problem is i'm 60% complete on marco's, i may have to be creative with my research!! But i'm sure going to miss marco's!!!!!!! cheers for all the advice scouse!!! i hope i can do some of it justice this time!!!! So are you at work right now? earning your pay packet just like me?!?!?!
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Old May 4, 2000, 11:04   #34
Adam Smith
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rare that we ever build even one diplo
I am new to OCC. Please explain. The one time I tried OCC (Sten's four whales game) I only got one unit from huts, and I had such puny land area everybody laughed at the prospect of trading maps with me. I build three diplos (two movement, no support, cheap) and turned them loose to get my land area up. Is there some other way to get around this problem??
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Old May 4, 2000, 11:25   #35
Scouse Gits
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Oldman - yep - I am nominally reviewing a PhD thesis at this moment! Enjoy.

Adam - in the last few games I have built the two Warriors for martial law, the two Engineers for (eventual) pollution control, a selection of triremes and other naval vessels in order to expedite the loads and loads of caravans - no dips at all in fact no other military units until after launch. However, your point is well taken,if you are unlucky with hut tipping you do need some exploration and ofttimes dips are available before horsemen (which would be my choice) as you say there is no support (a point I had not previously considered) so perhaps the decision can be tipped dip-ward, but I always try to get at least one non unit prior to founding - this time (OCC#8) one of my settlers found an archer - this delayed that settler getting back to the city site, but I finished up with 2 archers, 2 horse & a chariot - so although I lost a horse and a chariot to barbs my city is now (First Millenium AD) held by the archers and a horse and the only supported units are the engineers.

Scouse Git[1]

"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
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Old May 4, 2000, 11:42   #36
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Scouse, you had to be a lecturer!??! let me guess - you lecture history? Ha ha!!!! I keep on meeting these intellectuals on the net!!!! I met a guy called George on a board about Dungeon Master (my other Fav game!) he was doing his PhD in astro-physics or something?!?!

I'm a Mech Eng student myself, on work placement this year!!! finals next year - fun, fun, fun!!! and i would get back into civ only months before i start my final year - i might as well quit now!?!?!?

And Adam, let me guess you're into economics?? right?!?! ha ha, just joking!!!

Join in for sure!!!! I've played the last 2 and been over 100 years behind the winner it's just good fun to try something different, you've not done before!!!!!
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Old May 4, 2000, 11:51   #37
Scouse Gits
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Oldman - check out our profiles - one of those little button things on the bar above each post - Adam is indeed an economist and I'm a lecturer, but Information Systems not mystery (sorry history)

If I had realised that you were an Engineer I ... would ... have ... spoken ... more ... slowly ...

Good civin'

Scouse Git[1]

"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
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Old May 4, 2000, 16:02   #38
Tom DeMille
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Oldman, a tip on trading science with AIs. You say you were way ahead of the AI in tech, and were not able to trade.

This is typical for an OCC game. The AI rarely contributes more than a handful of techs to the overall effort. So don't trade techs with them - just give them everything. That way you won't be ahead on techs, and any advance that the computer makes will be a new one for you too (so no need for Marco Polo/ embassies to see what the AI is researching. You don't care, because it will always be something you don't have yet).

The key point with this is that the # of beakers that you need for the next advance is partially related to how far ahead you are in techs. So if you want to advance more quickly, the best thing to do is give away all your science. You'll find it a lot easier to get the magic 2 turns per science if you do this.

You will find it difficult being so generous your first game or two. But you'll get used to it. Even with all your help, the AI is rarely a challenge to beat you to AC. You will also find that your allies are quite friendly until very near the end of the game (it's best to start avoiding them once you've discovered space flight - they tend to become mean and nasty at that point).
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Old May 5, 2000, 00:19   #39
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HA!!! We laugh at your petty boasts!! we will crush your puny civilization, Prepare for WAR!!!!! ha ha aha!!!!
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Old September 1, 2000, 20:47   #40
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OCC #06

That was hard work, keeping friend & foe alike from our city tiles!
The key to the early landing was probably that we took care not to ally with any party present on our continent.
And adding one none-settler to the city gave a fast start!

Of course we just HAD to take out those Barb Pikemen , where even Cavalry of the AI tribes could not . The Sand-people were waaaaaaaayyyyyy back in development.

AC: 1777

Monarchy: -2650
Republic: -1250
Democracy: 540

Colossus: -2050
Shakespeare: -250
Copernicus: 420
Newton: 600
Leonardo: 780
Darwin: 1080
Apollo: 1570

Trade routes: -1800,-1600,-1350

Size 12: -125
Size 21: 420

Trade: -1850
Construction: -1025
Sanitation: 240
Refrigeration: 880

Automobile: 1100
Computers: 1380
Space Flight: 1560
================================================== =

-3900 PERSEPOLIS founded by Fiona (north)
N-Settler joins city -> S2
-3800 N-Archers(h)
Barbs hold pass
-3350 Sky-People, Bronze Working<->Alphabet(S),
Pottery<->Code of Laws(S), Currency<->Map Making(S),
Ally(S), Maps(S), no Gift
-3250 Rebels, Bronze Working<->Ceremonial Burial(R),
Pottery<->Writing(R), Masonry->R, Peace(R),
no Ally, no Maps, no Gift
-3100 Alliance(S) dissolved over War(S/R)
(the Rebels had Archers next to my Settlers)
-3050 S3
-2650 Monarchy, MONARCHY
Part of the Log was lost due to computer crash
From notes/memory/calculations:
-2200 S4
-1850 Trade
? Satsuma (overlapping) and Armagh (not!) on our continent
? Barbs take Osaka, later retaken
-1800 Route #1 (Satsuma,34)
? Literacy
? War(S)
-1600 Route #2 (Satsume,34)
-1450 S5
-1350 Route #3 (Satsuma,36)
? Rebels first to Philosophy
? The Republic
? Peace(S), Literacy<->Mathematics(S)
? Literacy, The Republic -> R
-1025 Construction
-925 Pirates, Construction->P, The republic->P, Maps(P),
Pottery<->Iron Working(P)
-900 Mysticism, Iron Working->S, The Republic->S, Mysticism->S,
Trade<->Horseback Riding(S)
-875 We Love
-850 S6
-825 S7, Jedis land, Construction->J, Peace(J), The Republic->J,
-800 We Love ends
Iron Working->J, Ally(J), Writing->J, no gift
-775 Marketplace
-750 Astronomy
-700 Rebels settle Caernarfon, overlapping
-675 Food
-650 Mysticism->P
Iron Working<->Philosophy(R), Astronomy<->Banking(R)
Iron Working->S Banking->S, Astronomy->S
Philosophy->J, Pottery->J, Mathematics->J,
Horseback Riding->J, Banking->J, still no gift
Smugglers found Hastings, overlapping
-575 Hides, Astronomy->J, 75<-J
-525 Hides, Bridge Building
-425 Hides, War(P) <- Ally(J), Bridge Building->J, Literacy->J,
Mysticism->J, 75<-J
Masonry->J for refusing War(R)
-375 Hides, Bridge Building->P, Cease Fire(P)
-275 Medicine
-225 We Love
-200 Aquaduct, S9
-175 S10, bridge Building->R
-150 S11
-125 Bank, S12
-100 We Love ends , B Leader (150)
-75 Diplomat
-50 Br N-Legion (82)
-25 Wine, War(P), Medicine<->Warrior Code(J),
Alliance(J) dissolved <- we refused War(R)
1 Br Rebel->N Trireme (350) (finally!)
(GREAT WALL - Droids)
20 Gold
40 War(S), St The Wheel(S)
60 Diplomat
80 University, Wine to Satsuma (d,204)
100 University
120 Droids, Literacy->D, Peace(D)
Refused 50<-J for War(R)
160 Engineering, Gold to Tlatelolco (d,486)
180 Gold, University<->Feudalism(R), Engineering<->Seafaring(R)
200 Refused 150<-D for War(R)
240 Sanitation, We Love
260 S13
280 S14, 50(h) (Diplomat on north pole)
300 Food, S15
320 S16
340 Food, S17
360 S18
380 Food, Economics, S19
400 S20
440 Theory of Gravity, We Love ends
Sanitation, The Wheel, University->J
460 Stock Exchange
500 Coal, Invention, Gold to Tlatelolco (d,572)
520 Democracy, Revolution, S Archers
540 DEMOCRACY, 50(h)
580 Chemistry
620 Gunpowder
640 Gold, sold Temple
660 Explosives
700 Metallurgy, Coal to Cathmarten (172), Cease Fire(P)
740 Navigation, Gold to Tlatelolco (d,642)
Droids have taken Caernarfon!
760 Physics
800 Magnetism, S22, S Settlers/Catapult
820 Gold
840 Electricity
860 Food
880 Refrigeration, Gold to Tlatelolco (d,642)
900 Supermarket, Steam Engine
940 Engineers, Railroad, S21
960 Hills into Plains
980 Engineers, Industrialization, S20
1000 * Gave all my tech to the Jedi's, the only one with just 3 cities , Maps(J) *
1020 Food, The Corporation, Railroad->P
1040 * Gave lots of techs to the Pirates, Maps(P), Peace(P) *
1060 Refining, Refining->J
1080 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Steel, Combustion
* Beaker requirement goes from 1200 to 1800 *
* Lots of techs to Droids -> 1400 * grrrr we make 1398
2 techs->P
Sky-People take Hastings!
1100 Automobile * now 1326 *
1120 Superhighways, We Love
1140 Electronics, S21
Peace(S), 2 techs->S
5 techs->R
1160 Factory, S22
1180 Conscription, S23, Conscription<->Chivalry(S)
1200 S24
1220 Leadership, S25
1240 S26
1260 Hydroplant, S27
1280 Gold, S28
1300 Wine, Machine Tools, We Love ends
Grassland/r into Hills/r, Gold to Cardiff (d,990)
1320 Oil, Mass Production
1340 Mass Transit
1360 Food, Miniaturization, Oil and Wine to Tlatelolco (2x444)
1380 Food, Computers
1400 Research Lab, Mobile Warfare, War(D) over ->400
1420 Robotics
(EIFFEL TOWER - Sky-People)
%$#()@ Beaker req up again!
Costs a turn (everybody hostile)
1440 Manufacturing Plant, D Cannon
1460 Oil, Flight, Br D->N Destroyer (294)
1480 Food, War(R) over ->650, D Transport, R Knights
1500 Radio, Grassland/r into Hills/r, hunger=4
R Cannon, D Cannon, D Engineers
1520 Advanced Flight, Hill/r mined, hunger=7
1530 D Destroyer, R Caravel, * Beaker req down *
1540 Rocketry
1560 Space Flight, R Cannon
1580 SSS, Plastics
1590 SSS
1600 SSS, Atomic Theory
1610 SSS, Cease Fire(R) (they are at war with the Sky-People)
1620 SSS, Nuclear Fission, Hills into Plains, D Dragoons
1630 SSS, D Engineers
1640 SSS, Nuclear Power, hunger=4, D Destroyer
1650 SSS, Forest/r into Plains/r, D Cannon
1660 SSS, The Laser
1670 SSS, hunger=2, D Destroyer
1680 SSS, Superconductor
1690 SSS
1700 SSS, Fusion Power, D Destroyer
1710 SSS, Plains into Grassland(s) -> hunger=1
1720 SSS, D Cavalry
1730 SSM, D destroy Destroyer
1740 SSM, D Engineers
1750 SSM
1752 SSC, Sky People take Armagh
1754 SSC, Plains into Grassland -> no hunger
1756 SSC
1758 SSC
1760 SSC
1762 SSC, LAUNCH the "FIONA"
1763 Airport, Stealth
1764 SAM Missile Battery, Plains/r into Grassland(s)/r
1765 City Walls, Recycling
1766 Barracks, S Sneak kill N-Transport, S Cavalry
1767 Armor, S Alpine Troops, S Riflemen, S Cavalry
1768 Howitzer, Environmentalism, sold Hydro Plant,
Plains into Grassland(s), S Marines, St Polytheism(S)
S Cannon, S Cavalry
1769 Solar Plant, S Marines, S Cannon, S Cavalry
1770 Alpine Troops, Genetic Engineering
S Engineers, S Riflemen, S Alpine Troops
1771 Alpine Troops, S Riflemen * oops! Almost took Hastings *
S Marines
1772 Gold, Combined Arms, Gold to Armagh (d,243), di N-Musketeers
D Cavalry, * S Cavalry runs dead against Barb Pikemen *
1773 Stealth Fighter, We Love Plains into Grassland
2 S Cruisers
1774 S29, Stealth Fighter kills 2 Barb Pikemen
2 S Alpine Troops, D Cavalry/Engineers
1775 Communism, S30, di 2 Engineers, S Marines, Peace(D)
1776 ORACLE, S31, Stealth Fighter kills remaining 2 Barb Pikemen
1777 The "FIONA" lands on ALPHA CENTAURI

Score: 335 (43%)

If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
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