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Old September 29, 2000, 00:15   #1
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OCC fortnight #18 - discussion and logs
It took a bit longer than usual, but Oldman just sent me a scenario.


Hi Paul, I've got a new scenario for occ if you want it!!!! You can play as any one of the 7 civs, they're all the same!!! with these stats:

year: 4000bc
Techs: None
Units: 2 settlers, 1 warrior
gold: 0
resources: 1 gold, 1 pheasant, 1 fish, 1 gems (all sites are the same)

I've included a city.txt file cause i changed the city names, and an original (city.old) just as usual!! and the scenario is set to Don't restart eliminated civs (just for info).
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Old September 29, 2000, 15:46   #2
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If i'd known Paul was just going to quote me, i'd have written it a bit nicer!?!? and would have added DIETY level, of course you don't have to play at diety, but if you want to compare against the rest of the us it's easier if we all play at the same level... Other than that i'm just waffling and i'm not even going to have time to play this until next week anyway!??!!?
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Old September 29, 2000, 17:17   #3
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I found your mail in my inbox in the morning before going to work and I didn't have much time to write anything, so I thought I'd just copy and paste your mail. If I had gotten it after coming home I would probably have written some lines myself.
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Old September 29, 2000, 22:40   #4
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Well, I've been following OCC for a couple of weeks now - and have done several of the scenarios listed on Pauls page, to varying degrees of success. When I was browsing around and saw the new scenario posted, I figured I'd better get it done right away and post first, so that I could have a fleeting moment of being in first place (before anyone else posted better times than me).

So I played it, and as expected didn't do so well.

Log to follow -

here it goes.....

The #1 problem I had was that at the beginning, the tax/luxury/science rate was to 60% taxes, and I didn't notice it until after a few hundred years had gone by - which really hurt me in the science race at the beginning. 2 Civs were destroyed rather early on, and I was able to ally with the other 4 for most of the game.

Log follows

Leader 3
-4000 Hut 50 gp
-4000 City 3a Founded
-3700 Hut 50 gp
-3500 Hut 50 gp
-3250 Alphabet
-3150 Civ 2 Destroyed by Barbs
-3050 Bronze Working
-2700 Horseback Riding from Civ 5
-1450 Cer. Burial
-975 Code of Laws
-975 Colossus
-900 MapMaking from Civ 3; Literacy, Writing from Civ 4
-850 Currency, Pottery, Alliance from Civ 6
-675 Built Library
-675 Masonry, The Wheel, 50 gp from Civ 5
-500 Built Temple
-400 Monarchy from Civ 6
-350 switch to Monarchy
-300 Civ 4 destroyed by Civ 1
-225 Polytheism from Civ 5; 100 gp from Civ 6
-200 Built Marketplace
-200 Republic
-150 switch to Republic
-75 150 gp from Barb Leader
-50 Mysticism, 50 gp from Civ 5; 100 gp from Civ 6
140 Construction from Civ 6
160 Built Colosseum
180 WLTCD Start (6)
200 Philosophy form Civ 5; Mathematics from Civ 6
220 Built Aqueduct
280 Trade
280 150 gp from Civ 6; 50 gp from Civ 5
340 WLTCD End (12)
380 Civ 5 gives me 250 gp to Declare War on Civ 7 who I don't know
460 Gold to City 1d 84 gp
580 Copper to City 1d 164 gp
620 Wool to City 5f 66 gp
640 Engineering, 25 gp from Civ 5; University from Civ 6
680 Medicine
700 Alliance with Civ 1; Invention, 50 gp from Civ 5; 100 gp from Civ 6
800 Iron Working, 150 gp from Civ 6; 50 gp from Civ 5
880 Theory of Gravity
900 100 gp from Allies
920 Warrior Code, 300 gp from Allies
1020 Banking, 300 gp from Allies
1040 Shakes
1080 WLTCD Start (12)
1140 Built Sewer System
1140 Seafaring, 350 gp from Allies
1200 Navigation, 200 gp from Allies
1200 Built Harbor
1240 Democracy
1240 switch to Democracy
1280 Physics, 250 gp from Allies
1280 Built University
1360 Bridge building, 100 gp from Allies
1380 WLTPD End (24)
1380 Gunpowder
1480 Metallurgy
1510 Feudalism, 300 gp form Allies
1530 Chemistry
1570 Explosives
1600 Magnetism
1620 250 gp from Allies
1630 Electricity
1630 Isaac Newtons
1660 Refrigeration
1670 Steam Engine, 300 gp from Allies
1680 Conscription
1700 50 gp from Allies
1700 Railroad
1720 Industrialization
1740 Steel
1752 Chivalry
1754 450 gp from Allies
1754 Built Supermarket
1754 WLTPD Start (21)
1758 Economics
1765 The Corp
1770 Refining
1776 Oil to City 1d 76 gp
1776 Combustion
1776 WLTPD End (28)
1780 Automobile
1782 Built Superhighways
1784 Mass Production
1788 Electronics
1792 Leadership
1796 Tactics
1802 Machine Tools
1804 Sold Sewer System
1808 Miniaturization
1814 Computers
1816 Built Factory
1820 Flight
1826 Radio
1832 150 gp from Barb Leader
1832 Adv. Flight
1834 Built Research Lab
1838 Rocketry
1838 Built Offshore Platform
1844 Built Power Plant
1844 Space Flight
1850 Plastics
1853 Atomic Theory
1856 Nuclear Fission
1859 Mobile Warfare
1862 Robotics
1865 Nuclear Power
1868 The Laser
1871 Superconductor
1874 Fusion Power
1871 Apollo
1874 Stealth
1905 Launch 15/3/1 Ship (Arrives in 1921)
1921 Land on Alpha Centauri 235 points 31% Leader 3 the Cruel

I plan on playing again and changing my science rate right away to see if I can do better.

Any comments on this newbies strategy would be appreciated.

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Old September 30, 2000, 00:14   #5
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Hot damn, the Eagle has landed!

Thank you so much, Paul, I was able to get the winzip software and am ready to play. (Yikes! Did I promise you a housepayment? )

One question. Which difficulty level do I choose?


Frodo lives!

Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
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Old September 30, 2000, 00:22   #6
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I don't play many OCC games, but I wanted to give one a shot...

This is on KING LEVEL, I repeat, this is on KING LEVEL!!!

Well, I built Apollo, but I lost the space race horribly. I didn't feel like finishing up the game once the other civ landed.

4000 BC – City 4a founded.
3550 BC – Bronze Working
3250 BC – Currency (hut)
3100 BC – Ceremonial Burial
3050 BC – 50 Gold (hut)
2800 BC – Alphabet
2400 BC – Code Of Laws
2050 BC – Monarchy
1900 BC – New Government: Monarchy
1600 BC – Trade
1550 BC - 5th Civilization: Peace
1250 BC - Colossus
1200 BC – Writing
975 BC – Masonry
725 BC – Library
700 BC – Mathematics
575 BC – Mysticism
400 BC – Astronomy
375 BC – Trade Civilization 5: Construction
Map Making
Horseback Riding
Iron Working
Gift: 100 gold
100 BC – Barbarian Leader – 150 gold
75 BC – Literacy
AD 20 – Civilization 5: trade Polytheism, gift 100 gold
AD 20 – Gems City 5a: 202 Gold
AD 40 – Philosophy
AD 40 – University
AD 200 – Copernicus’ Observatory
AD 260 – Theory of Gravity
AD 420 – Medicine
AD 420 – Trade Civ5 – Bridge Building, Pottery, The Wheel; Gift 100 gold
AD 580 – Warrior Code
AD 720 – Republic
AD 760 – New Government: Republic
AD 900 – Banking
1020 AD – Feudalism
1080 AD – Chivalry
1090 AD – Isaac Newton’s College
1120 AD – Economics
1130 AD – Civ5: Trade – Invention; Gift 150 gold
1170 AD – Chemistry
1220 AD – Democracy
1240 AD – New Government: Democracy
1280 AD – Gunpowder
1320 AD – Civ5: Gift Seafaring
1320 AD – Explosives
1350 AD – Metallurgy
1390 AD – Conscription
1400 AD – Trade Civ5: Monotheism, Navigation, Physics, Steam Engine; gift 150 gold
1430 AD – Sanitation
1470 AD – Railroad
1505 AD – Industrialization
1525 AD – Corporation
1530 AD – Trade Civ5: Magnetism, Leadership; gift 150 Gold
1545 AD – Electricity
1570 AD – Electronics
1585 AD – Steel
1605 AD – Refining
1615 AD – Civ5 gift: Tactics
1620 AD – Combustion
1640 AD – Automobile
1655 AD – Mass Production
1665 AD – Atomic Theory
1675 AD – Nuclear Fission
1685 AD – Nuclear Power
1695 AD – The Laser
1705 AD – Machine Tools
1715 AD – Miniaturization
1730 AD – Computers
1745 AD – Flight
1752 AD – Radio
1758 AD – Advanced Flight
1764 AD – Rocketry
1766 AD – Space Flight
1770 AD – Plastics
1774 AD – Superconductor
1778 AD – Fusion Power
1790 AD – Recycling
1836 AD – Civ2 Launches
1851 AD – Spaceship 2 arrives.

I lose.

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Old September 30, 2000, 00:35   #7
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Originally posted by kcbob on 09-29-2000 12:14 PM
One question. Which difficulty level do I choose?

You can choose any level you wish, although the reccommended level is diety.

The majority of the people who play and then post results on their OCC games do choose diety level. One of the original reasons for using scenarios vs saved games was so that people who weren't comfortable with diety level could still participate. Of course with the more recent OCC games, being able to use scenarios has had several other advantages as well
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Old September 30, 2000, 11:30   #8
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Talk about having a brain cramp. I must have forgotten everything I've learned about OCC. I'm not even going to post my logs. Suffice it to say I'm extremely embarrased.

I will say this. 1st attempt (as Civ 4)... killed in 640 AD by the Dark Blue. 2nd attempt (as Civ 1)... so worried about the Lt Blue that barbarians took my city in 1887 AD.

Well, third times a charm so here goes.

BTW. Has anyone else noticed that the AI starting positions are making it a bit tougher? Please, someone say yes.

Frodo lives!

Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
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Old October 1, 2000, 00:58   #9
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Did anyone else have problems with one or two AI's just going rampant over all the others? The orange and green AI's just annihilated the rest of them. The Dark blue were completely destroyed, and the white and light blue (my allies) were down to their last cities. The reason I lost so badly to the green was because they had about 20-25 cities, and built their spaceship in about 5 turns.
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Old October 1, 2000, 13:06   #10
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OCC #18

The AI's were of little help in the later stages of this scenario, mainly because they refused to build aquaducts despite acres and acres of farmland. Trade was a little poor, too.
Maybe we should not have built Darwin's Voyage when we decided not to go for 80 shields. It's nice not to have to bother about pollution though .
Hmmm - only a couple of months ago, I could not imagine being disappointed for not landing in the 18th century

================================================== ==============
AC: 1801

Monarchy: -
Republic: -2250
Democracy: 300

Colossus: -1050
Copernicus: -250
Shakespeare: 160
Newton: 660
Darwin: 1100
Apollo: 1620

Trade routes: -575, -550, -500

Size 12: -750
Size 21: 360 (size 24 in 420)
Size 33: 1420

Trade: -825
Construction: -2250
Sanitation: 60
Refrigeration: 880

Automobile: 1140
Computers: 1510
Space Flight: 1610


-4000 N-Archers(h)
VOYAGER founded by Seven of Nine
-3750 Alphabet
-3700 Civ2, Peace, they have Pottery, no Alliance
-3650 25(h)
-3500 Writing, Map Making(h)
-3450 S2
-3350 Gold mined
-3050 Code of Laws
-3000 Library
-2850 N-Archers(h)
-2700 Literacy
-2650 Civ6, Ally , Barb Archers
-2600 Barb Leader (150)
-2550 50(h)
-2500 Pheasant into Buffalo
-2250 The Republic, REPUBLIC
Traded for Bronze Working, Construction, Horseback Riding, Ceremonial Burial, Pottery (Civ2), Ally , Maps, <-50
Traded for Masonry and Currency (Civ6), gave 5 techs, Maps, no gift
-1900 S3
-1800 Civ1, demand 150 -> War(1)
-1750 Civ5, traded for Warrior Code, Peace, 7 techs->Civ5, Maps
-1250 Mysticism
-1200 2 Barb Archers
-1150 Barb Leader (150)
-1100 Civ2 ends alliance
-1050 COLOSSUS, 2 Barb Archers
-1000 Barb Leader (150)
-975 Temple, We Love , War(Civ3) as demanded by Civ6 (no idea where they are)
-950 S4
-925 Marketplace, S5
-900 S6
-875 Colosseum, S7
-850 S8
-825 Aquaduct, S9, Philosophy -> Trade
Traded for Iron Working and Mathematics (Civ1), gave 2 techs, 150<-
-800 S10
-775 Silk, S11
-750 S12, 4 techs->Civ1, Cease Fire, Maps
-725 We Love ends , 2 Barb Legions
-700 Trireme, Barb Leader (150)
Traded for Monarchy and Polytheism (Civ2), gave 4 techs, Ally, Maps, 75<-
-650 Wool
-600 Beads
-575 Wool to City 6a (108), War(Civ1) as demanded by Civ6, 1 tech->Civ6, 50<-
-550 Food, Medicine, Silk to City 6a (110), sold Colosseum
-525 50<-Civ6 for War(Civ5)
-500 Food, Beads to City 6a (110)
-450 Food
-400 Food, Astronomy, 6 techs->Civ5, Peace
-350 Food
-325 100<-Civ6 for War(Civ5)
-250 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, 5 techs->Civ1, Cease Fire
-225 University
-200 University, Civ3, 6 techs->Civ3, Cease Fire, Maps
Traded for The Wheel (Civ6), 1 tech->Civ 6, 25<-
4 techs->Civ2, Maps, 150<-
-150 Gold, Barb Leader (150)
-125 Seafaring
-100 Food
-75 Civ3 break cease fire, 3-Warrior
-25 Engineering
1 Food, 2 techs->Civ6, 150<- , 2 techs->Civ1, 2 techs->Civ2, 100<-
40 Food
60 Sanitation, 3 Barb Legions
80 Food, Barb Leader (150)
100 2 techs->Civ3, Cease Fire, 1 tech->Civ5, Cease Fire
140 Banking
180 We Love
200 Sewer System, S13
220 Invention, S14
240 Bank, S15, Barb Leader (150)
260 S16
280 Harbor, S17
300 Democracy, DEMOCRACY, S18, 4 techs->Civ1, Ally, 200<-
Gold to City 1d (d,381)
320 Gems, S19
340 Economics, S20
360 Stock Exchange, S21
380 S22
400 Food, Theory of Gravity, S23
420 S24, 1 tech->Civ2, 50<-
440 Food, We Love ends
460 Chemistry, traded for Monotheism (Civ6), 5 techs->Civ6, Maps, 100<-
5 techs->Civ3, Maps, Civ5 declares War
4 techs->Civ1, Maps, 75<-
480 Food, Civ4, Peace, 5 techs->Civ4, Maps
500 Jungle into Grassland
520 Food, Gunpowder
560 Food
580 Explosives
640 Food, Bridge Building, Civ6 ends alliance
3 techs->Civ1, Maps, 150<-
680 Metallurgy
700 Food
720 Navigation, Gems to City 6b (94), Civ2 ends alliance
740 Diplomat
760 Physics
780 Food
800 Magnetism, 22 techs->Civ4, Maps, 3 techs->Civ1, Maps, 150<-
820 Wool
840 Electricity, Barb Leader (150)
860 Engineers -> S23
880 Refrigeration
900 Supermarket
920 Steam Engine
940 Food
960 Railroad
980 Food, di Trireme, 10 techs->Civ6, Maps
1000 Food, Industrialization
14 techs->Civ3, Peace, Maps, Ally<-War(Civ2, 50<-
1 tech->Civ1, 250<-
1040 Factory, The Corporation, 3 techs->Civ2, Cease Fire, Maps
3 techs->Civ5, Maps, Cease Fire, 1 tech->Civ1, 200<-
1080 Food, Refining, 1 tech->Civ1, 250<-
1100 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Steel, Combustion
1120 S24
1140 Enigineers -> S23, Automobile
1160 250<-Civ3 for War(Civ5)
1180 Superhighways, Electronics, 1 tech->Civ1, 200<-
1200 5 techs->Civ6, 1 tech->Civ1, 250<-
1220 Hydroplant, Mass Production, We Love
17 techs->Civ2, Maps
1240 S24, 1 tech->Civ1, 150<- , 6 techs->Civ3, Maps, 25<-
2 techs->Civ5, Cease Fire
1260 Mass Transit, Feudalism, S25
1280 S26
1300 Oil, Chivalry, S27
1320 S28
1340 Wool, Leadership, S29
1360 S30
1380 Transport, Conscription, S31, di Engineers
1400 Food, S32, di Engineers
1420 Food, Tactics, S33, sold Sewer System
1440 We Love ends , sold Aquaduct
1460 Food, Machine Tools, sold Temple,
1480 Traded for Communism and Atomic Theory(Civ1), 3 techs->Civ1, 200<-
1500 Food, Miniaturization, Oil to City 1c (d,1050)
1510 Offshore Platform, Computers
1520 Research Lab
1530 Flight
1540 Wool to City 3f (d,222)
1550 Radio
1570 Advanced Flight
1590 Rocketry
1600 Barb Leader (150), 1 tech->Civ2, Maps, 1 tech->Civ5, Maps
1610 Space Flight
1620 APOLLO PROGRAM - We have 2639 gold, no Freights, and make 36 shields
Barb Leader (150)
1630 S01, Plastics, Civ1 ends Alliance
1640 S02
1650 S03, Nuclear Fission, di Transport
1660 S04
1670 S05, Nuclear Power
1680 S06
1690 S07, The Laser
1700 S08
1710 S09, Superconductor, mountain mined -> 40 shields (money is gone)
1730 S10
1740 Fusion Power
1750 S11
1752 S12
1754 S13, Civ2 Sneak attack kill N-Warrior, Civ3 declares War(Civ2), 550<-Civ3 for War(Civ5)
1756 S14, 2-Crusaders
1758 S15
1760 M01
1764 C01
1768 C02
1770 M02
1774 C03
1776 M03
1780 C04, LAUNCH the "SEVEN OF NINE" 15-2-2-1-1-1
1781 Mobile Warfare
1782 City Walls
1783 Barracks
1784 Robotics
1785 Armor
1787 SDI Defence, Stealth
1789 SAM Missile Battery
1790 Espionage, 2-Crusaders
1791 Airport
1793 Recycling, Stealth Fighter, 2-Diplomat, Crusaders, Cannon, Riflemen, di N-Warriors
1794 3 2-units
1795 Stealth Fighter, Environmentalism, 2-Riflemen
1796 2 2-units, sold Hydroplant
1797 Solar Plant, Genetic Engineering, 2-Riflemen
1798 2-Riflemen
1799 2-Riflemen, Cease Fire(Civ5)
1800 THE ORACLE, 2 2-units

Score: 312 (40%)

If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
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Old October 2, 2000, 04:41   #11
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I was falling asleep so I made abit of a mess of the end but can't(shouldn't). complain.Got a HUGE amount of gold gifts.Around 5000 gold.

deity 2.42


Sir Isaac-320ad


1-825 bc



4000-hut-archer-City 7a-taxes need adjustment-thought they might
3750-Bronze Working
3600-contact Civ2-peace
3100-contact Civ5-peace-contact Civ6-alliance-hut-archer-non
2850-contact Civ3-gift Bronze-alliance-trade Civ5 Bronze for Burial-alliance
2650-size 3
2550-contact Civ4-gift Laws-alliance
2250-govt-Monarchy-contact Civ1-gift all-tribute 100
2000-Writing-trade for Currency-hut 50 gold-tribute civ2-25
1800-Civs gift 50 each
1600-Trade-trade for Pottery,Masonry,Horseback Riding,Map Making
1450-alliance with Civ1
1250-size 4
1200-hides caravan-2,3,4,5, all 50
1100-beads caravan
1000-gold caravan-trade 4 for Literacy-6 for Math-4 25-6 100-
875-we love the king-hides>2b 66
825-1 Polytheism-3 50-4 100-6 100
775-beads to 5a 86 gold 86
725-Philosophy>Republic-instant revolution govt Republic-6 50-4 50-3 25
700-”we love” carries over-colliseum-now size 5
650-3 50-4 50
525-end “we love” 12-sell colliseum
500-trade route lost-city 2b was destroyed
375-Medicine-1 150-
325-Cope’s-6 100-4 150-3 50-1 100
300-hides caravan
250-The Wheel
200-1 100-3 50-4 50-6 50
50-1 100-3,4,6 all 50
25-Sanitation-”we love” 12
AD1-sewer system
20-hides to 6a 122
40-trade 4 Sani for Banking-receive 100-1 100-trde 3 Sani for Warrior Code-receive 50-5 50
60-build bank
100-build university
160-end “we love” 21
200-Invention-trade 6 University for Seafaring-receive 50
320-Economics-Sir Isaac’s-1 100-
340-”we love” 21
360-Iron Working-harbor-pheasant>buffalo
380-end “we love” 23-1 100-3 50-4 200-6 150
400-Chemistry-stock exchange
440-Gunpowder-dye caravan
480-Explosives-wool caravan
520-Navigation-”we love” 23-1 100-
540-engineer-end “we love” 23
600-Bridge Building
620-diplomat-bribe barb legion 82
640-Magnetism-6 75
660-musket-barb leader 150-1 50
760-Refrigeration-dye to 6g 94
800-Steam Engine-1 100-alliance with civ2-receive 200-3 50-4 200-
900-Industrialization-wool to 6g(demanded)131-trade 6 Steam for Feudalism
920-Darwin’s>The Corporation>Steel-”we love” 22-1 100-3 50-4 150-5 50
980-0il freight
1020-Combustion-cloth freight-trade 3 Refining for Atomic Theory-receive 100-end “we love” 27-sell sewer
1040-sell aquaduct-1 50-2 50-3 100-4 150-6 50
1100-Mass Production
1160-mass transit-1 50-2 50-4 150-5 50-6 100-3 cancels alliance
1240-Chivalry-oil to 4a 376
1260-civ3 sneak attacks freight
1360-Machine Tools
1400-Miniaturization-cavalry-barb leader 150-peace with Civ3
1460-research lab
1530-Advanced Flight
1550-Rocketry-4 100
1570-Space Flight
1590-Mobile Warfare
1610-Robotics-offshore platform
1630-Plastics-Manufacturing plant
1650-Nuclear Fission
1670-Nuclear Power
1690-The Laser
1720-gems>pheasant-81 sheilds
1754-Fusion Power-sell research lab
1756-15 structurals ready-sell university
1758-sell library
1760-sell mass transit
1768-6 components
1774-3 modules-LAUNCH
the usual
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Old October 2, 2000, 07:27   #12
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<font size=1>Originally posted by Smash on 10-02-2000 04:41 AM</font>
I was falling asleep so I made abit of a mess of the end but can't(shouldn't). complain.Got a HUGE amount of gold gifts.Around 5000 gold.

deity 2.42


The gifts seem to be the big difference between 2.42 and MGE, rather than the hostility. We lost 8 turns (16 years) after APOLLO because we had not enough - even though we got more than usual from the white civ and chased Barb Leaders all over the world. Less trade opportunities is another difference, unless you're lucky and can exploit the Hides bug. I also noticed you were able to trade for Feudalism, gaining another 4 years. It is strange that in MGE this rarely happens. Despite all the fighting none of the AIs has this as a priority.

In the middlegame, while you can trade for techs like Seafaring and Banking, I get Polytheism and Monotheism instead (if I don't trade, I get them as a gift). From very early on the AIs hardly do any research anymore and put about all their effort into (rush-)building military units - when this puts their cities on zero shields, they disband some! In fact, in this game none of our allies made a single discovery for the duration of the alliances.

If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
[This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited October 02, 2000).]
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Old October 5, 2000, 20:42   #13
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Yay, a nice simple OCC. In 17 I was doing well until one of my barb cities built Cope's by accident . That was confusing.
Old October 7, 2000, 10:43   #14
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Ok, I finished. First time, my spaceship landed in 1851, but that was 3 years after spaceship 5 . Second time, I won in 1761. Big difference once I knew the map.
Old October 7, 2000, 23:42   #15
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A Slow start but had alliances with all six AI civs by midgame. No real problems in the end game.

2.42 Deity

AC: 1781

Monarchy: -1250
Republic: -325
Democracy: 380

Colossus: -2200
Copernicus: -75
Shakespeare: 40
Newton: 500
Darwin: 940
Apollo: 1590

Trade routes: -750, -725, -700

Size 12: -125
Size 21: 280

Trade: -950
Construction: -725
Sanitation: 80
Refrigeration: 800
Automobile: 1060
Computers: 1380
Space Flight: 1580

4000 BC Hut=Chariot
City7a founded
3600 BC Hut=25
3500 BC Bronze Working
3450 BC Hut=Archer
3350 BC Hut=currency
3300 BC Hut=Horseman
3250 BC civ2: peace
3200 BC Civ5: peace
3150 BC Civ5: exchange Ceremonial Burial, Alliance
2950 BC Civ6: Alliance + gift of Warrior Code
2800 BC Hut=Alphabet
Civ1: peace
Civ2: 25
2700 BC Civ4: Alliance
2650 BC BarbLeader=150
2500 BC Civ6: 25
2300 BC Civ2: 50
2250 BC Civ5: 50
2200 BC Colossus
2150 BC Code of Laws
2000 BC Civ4: gift of Horseback Riding
1750 BC Hut=50
1700 BC Marketplace disband Warrior
1600 BC Civ3: Peace
1550 BC BarbLeader=150
1500 BC BarbLeader=150
1350 BC Monarchy
Civ1: Tribute of Wheel
Civ2: exchange Masonry & Writing
Civ5: 50 Civ6: 50
1300 BC revolution Library
1250 BC Govt. Monarchy
1150 BC BarbLeader=150
950 BC Trade
Civ4: 25
Civ6: exchange Mysticism
925 BC Dye caravan built
900 BC Beads caravan built
Civ3: 100 Civ4: 25
875 BC Gold caravan built
750 BC Dye to City2c (demanded)=76
725 BC Construction Beads to City 2c (not demanded)=44
Civ6: gift of Pottery
700 BC Gold to City 2c (not demanded)=46
Civ4: 50 Civ5: gift of Mapmaking Civ6: 100
600 BC Literacy
575 BC Civ6: 50
475 BC BarbLeader=150
450 BC Colosseum
400 BC Republic Civ3: 100
350 BC Aqueduct revolution
325 BC Govt Republic Civ6: 50 Start WLTCD
225 BC BarbLeader=150
200 BC Civ4: 50
125 BC Pop=12 Stop WLTCD
Silk to City 3b (demanded)=209
100 BC Civ2: Alliance + gift of Ironworking
75 BC Copernicus Civ3: exchange Engineering
25 BC Civ4: gift of Polytheism Civ5: 150

1AD Philosophy get Medicine
40 AD Shakespeare's Theatre
80 Sanitation Civ5: 50 Civ3: War
100 Sewer System Start WLTCD
120 Civ2: gift of Feudalism Civ6: 150
140 Sell Colosseum
160 University sell Temple
200 Civ4: 50
220 Civ2: 100
240 Banking Civ6: 50
260 Bank
280 Pop: 21 Stop WLTCD Civ5: 50
300 Theory of Gravity Civ1: exchange Invention Disband Phalanx
320 Civ2: 150
360 Democracy revolution
380 Govt. Democracy Civ4: 50
400 Wool to City 6f (demanded): 174
420 Economics
Civ5: 50
460 Civ2: exchange Chemistry
480 Gunpowder
500 Isaac Newton's College
Civ5: 50
520 Explosives Civ2: 100
540 Stock Exchange
560 Seafaring
600 Navigation
Civ6: gift of Bridge Building
620 Civ5: 50 Civ6: 50
640 Physics Harbor
660 2nd Engineer built Civ2: 100 Civ4: 50
680 Magnetism
700 Civ6: 150
720 Metallurgy
740 Civ5: 50 Civ2: 200
760 Electricity
800 Refrigeration
820 Sewer System
840 Steam Engine Wool to City6f (demanded): 214
860 Civ2: 150
880 Railroad
Civ4: 50
900 Civ6: 50 Civ2: 150
Bribe Civ5 Caravan: Wine (170)
920 Industrialization
940 Darwin's Voyage Corporation Refining
960 Steel
1000 Combustion
Oil freight built Civ6: 50
1020 Start WLTPD Bribe Civ5 Caravan: Salt
Civ5: 25 Civ6: 50
1040 Cloth freight built
1060 Automobile
Wine to 2c (demanded) 128
1080 Civ5: 25 Civ6: gift of Monotheism
1100 Civ2: 75
1120 Electronics Civ1: exchange chivalry
1140 max size=26 End WLTPD Sell Sewer System
1160 Mass Production
Civ1: Alliance gift of 250 Sell Aqueduct
Oil to 1d (not demanded): 237 Civ5: 25
1180 Bribe Barb Frigate Civ4: 50
1200 Leadership Factory 3rd Engineer built
1220 Civ2: 75
1240 Conscription, Power Plant
1260 Civ3: Alliance gift of 200 Civ6: 50 Civ5: 50
1280 Tactics
Cloth to 3b (not demanded): 262, Salt to 3b (not demanded): 173
1300 Machine Tools
1320 Civ1: 125 Civ2: 200
1340 Miniaturization 4th Engineer built Civ5: 50 Civ6: 50
1360 Offshore Platform
1380 Computers
1400 Research Lab Civ3: exchange Atomic Theory
Civ4: 50 Disband Warrior
1420 Mobile Warfare disband Archer
1440 Disband Diplo Civ1: 125 Civ2: 200 Civ3: 75 Civ5: 50 Civ6: 100
1460 Robotics
1480 Manufacturing Plant
1500 Flight
1510 Civ4: 50
1520 Radio
1530 Civ1: 250 Civ2: 150 Civ3: 100 Civ5: 50 Civ6: 100
1540 Advanced Flight
1550 Civ4: 50
1560 Rocketry Civ1: 150 Civ3: 200 Civ6: 50
1570 Civ2: 100
1580 Space Flight
1590 Apollo
1610 Plastics
1630 Civ6 war with Civ1
1650 Nuclear Fission
1690 Nuclear Power
1730 Laser
1740 Disband Frigate
1754 Superconductor
1760 Disband Settler
1762 Disband Engineer
1764 Disband Horseman
1766 Fusion Power
Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1 SS
1767 Barracks
1768 Armor
1769 Stealth Civ2: Alliance cancelled
1770 Stealth Fighter
1771 Armor
1772 Espionage SAM
1773 Spy
1774 Nuclear Plant sell Power Plant
1775 Guerilla Warfare Mass Transit
1778 Labor Union
1781 Landed AC
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Old October 14, 2000, 17:41   #16
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Well, I finally finished this one. Played as Civ6. I guess I traded for too many advances in the beginning and as a result I only got Monarchy in 925 BC and Republic in 60 AD. But I still did ok.

AC: 1799

Monarchy: -925
Republic: 60
Democracy: 720

Colossus: ? (not in log)
Copernicus: 300
Shakespeare: 440
Newton: 740
Darwin: 1360
Apollo: 1680

Trade: -250
Construction: -400
Sanitation: 420
Refrigeration: 1100
Automobile: 1360
Computers: 1560
Space Flight: 1670

Trade routes: -75, -50, 280

4000 BC Hut: Horsemen
Settle 6a
3850 BC Bronze Working
3750 BC Warrior
3700 BC Alphabet
3650 BC Hut: Map Making
3500 BC Hut: Currency
3250 BC Civ2: peace; share maps
3050 BC Civ3: trade Ceremonial Burial; share maps; peace
2650 BC Civ7: trade Pottery; share maps; alliance
2450 BC Code of Laws
Hut: Archers
2400 BC Civ1: trade Warrior Code; share maps; alliance
2150 BC Civ3: trade Mysticism
2050 BC Civ3: war
Civ7: gift 25 gold
1850 BC Civ5: war
Civ4: trade Masonry; alliance; share maps; gift 50 gold
1800 BC Destroy 5c; take 39 gold, Horseback Riding
1600 BC Civ5: cease fire; share maps
Civ3: cease fire
1550 BC Civ2: alliance; share maps; gift Seafaring
1400 BC Hut: 100 gold
1350 BC Harbor
Civ5: peace
1300 BC Civ4: gift 25 gold
1250 BC Civ2: 50 gold (war on Civ3)
Civ7: gift 25 gold
1200 BC Marketplace
925 BC Monarchy, change gov
850 BC Civ3: cease fire
825 BC Trireme
Civ7: gift 100 gold
775 BC Temple
625 BC Civ1: gift 50 gold
Civ2: gift 50 gold
Civ4: gift 100 gold
Civ7: gift 25 gold
525 BC Writing
500 BC Library
450 BC Barb Leader: 150 gold
400 BC Civ2: gift Construction
Civ4: gift 50 gold
Civ7: gift 150 gold
250 BC Trade
Civ3: war
Civ4: cancel alliance
225 BC Build Gold Caravan
175 BC Build Dye Caravan
125 BC Build Hides Caravan
100 BC Barb Leader: 150 gold
75 BC Build Hides Caravan
Dye to 1b (demanded): 108 gold
50 BC Literacy
Gold to 1b (demanded): 162 gold
25 BC Build Hides Caravan
Civ3: peace
20 AD Build Hides Caravan
Civ2: trade Iron Working, Wheel; gift 200 gold
Civ3: war
Civ7: gift 150 gold
60 AD Colosseum
Gov: Republic
Start WLTCD, size 5
80 AD Aqueduct
120 AD Build Silver Caravan
Civ7: gift 50 gold
180 AD Civ2: gift 100 gold
200 AD Civ1 destroyed
220 AD Steal Mathematics from Civ4
End WLTCD, size 12
Sold Colosseum
280 AD Astronomy
Civ2: gift 50 gold
Hides to 7d (demanded): 224 gold
Sold Temple
300 AD Copernicus' Observatory
340 AD Build Wool Caravan
Philosophy, Medicine
Barb Leader: 150 gold
Hides to 2d (demanded): 328 gold
360 AD Civ7: gift 50 gold
380 AD Build Dye Caravan
Hides to 2d (demanded): 328 gold
Civ7: gift 50 gold
400 AD Civ7: gift 25 gold
420 AD Sanitation
Hides to 2d (demanded): 324 gold
440 AD Shakespeare's Theatre
Start WLTCD, size 12
480 AD Sewer System
Silver to 5d (demanded): 344 gold
520 AD University
Theory of Gravity
Wool to 5e (demanded): 244 gold
580 AD Banking
Civ2: gift 50 gold
Civ7: cancel alliance
620 AD Barb Leader: 150 gold
640 AD Civ5: trade Bridge Building; alliance; gift 150 gold
660 AD Invention
680 AD End WLTCD, size 21
720 AD Build Gold Caravan
Dye to 5a (demanded): 246 gold
Civ3: alliance; gift 200 gold
Civ2: gift Polytheism
740 AD Isaac Newton's College
780 AD Bank
Gov: Democracy
800 AD Gunpowder
820 AD Build Gems Caravan
Civ2: gift 150 gold
840 AD Chemistry
Civ5: gift 75 gold
Gold to 1b (demanded): 240 gold
860 AD Build Wool Caravan
900 AD Engineer
940 AD Engineer
Civ2: gift 100 gold
Civ3: gift 100 gold
Civ5: gift 75 gold
980 AD Stock Exchange
1000 AD Build Gold Caravan
1020 AD Magnetism
1040 AD Engineer
Civ2: gift Feudalism
1060 AD Electricity
1100 AD Refrigeration
1120 AD Supermarket
1140 AD Steam Engine
Start WLTPD, size 19
1160 AD Civ2: 300 gold for war on Civ7
1180 AD Railroad
Civ2: gift 100 gold
Civ5: gift Monotheism
1220 AD Industrialization
1260 AD Corporation
Gems to 4b (demanded): 276 gold
1280 AD Build Cloth Freight
End WLTPD, size 25
1300 AD Steel
Civ2: gift 150 gold
Civ3: gift 100 gold
1340 AD Refining
Civ7: cease fire
1360 AD Darwin's Voyage: Combustion, Automobile
Wool to 4a (not demanded): 92 gold
Civ2: gift 100 gold
Sold Sewer System
1380 AD Superhighways
Sold Aqueduct
1420 AD Mass Production
Gold to 3i (demanded): 518 gold
1440 AD Chivalry
Build Gems Freight
Civ2: gift 100 gold
Copper to 5a (demanded): 318 gold
1460 AD Leadership
Civ5: trade Conscription; gift 75 gold
1480 AD Build Gold Freight
1500 AD Tactics
1520 AD Machine Tools
1540 AD Miniaturization
1550 AD Factory
1560 AD Computers
Gems to 3e (demanded): 594 gold
1570 AD Research Lab
Mobile Warfare
Cloth to 2d (not demanded): 225 gold
1580 AD Robotics
1590 AD Power Plant
1600 AD Flight
Gold to 3i (demanded): 414 gold
1610 AD Radio
1620 AD Offshore Platform
1630 AD Advanced Flight
1640 AD Manufacturing Plant
1650 AD Rocketry
1670 AD Space Flight
1680 AD Apollo Program
1700 AD Plastics
Civ5: trade Atomics Theory; cancel alliance
1730 AD Nuclear Fission
1752 AD Nuclear Power
1758 AD Laser
1764 AD Superconductor
1770 AD Fusion Power
1776 AD Civ2: 600 gold for war on Civ4
1782 AD Civ7 break cease fire
1784 AD Launch
1786 AD Barracks
1789 AD Stealth
1790 AD SAM
1792 AD Mass Transit
1795 AD Solar Plant
1798 AD Guerilla Warfare
1799 AD Land on Alpha Centauri
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Old October 15, 2000, 14:30   #17
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Comparison table ready.
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