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Old November 1, 2001, 00:23   #31
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I don't know all of the details surrounding this, but my wife is playing a game as the Russians. She's established diplomatic contact with several races, but the problem is coming in when she tries to make contact with the Babylonians. Everytime she does, an error box pops up speaking of CivIII causing an invalid page fault.

She's tried reloading from 2 different autosaves and from a manual save and everytime she tries to make contact with the Babylonians, it gives the same error. She's tried iniating contact with them in different cities, but same result every time.

Has anyone else had a crash caused by diplomatic contact?
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Old November 1, 2001, 01:36   #32
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Right click menu display error:

If you bring up a right click menu for a unit, then use one of the function keys to display an advisor screen, the right click menu will stay on screen. It blocks the info on the advisor screen. Repeatable.

Feature request, double click on buttons: for the love of god please make buttons activate on single click!!!
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Old November 1, 2001, 02:20   #33
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Originally posted by ChrisShaffer
The white text on the map for many messages (culture has improved, barbarians defeated, swordsman built) flashes by too fast to read.
Agreed. I'm a speedreader, but at times I can miss a message. It would be nice if there was a setting for how long they stayed up... Or a buffer somewhere that stored your last turns worth of messages.
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Old November 1, 2001, 08:51   #34
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You can´t really call it a bug, but :

The Game just runs a bit SLOW. The Scrolling bug taken aside. (It was already mentioned with the XP-Nvidia-Driver-Prob)

1. Opening the City Screen just isn´t INSTANTANEOUS, as in Civ2.
2. The "Go-To"-Order is just slow, too.

Don´t get me wrong, I just REALLY liked to play really fast, get throughout the menus like a dervish. That´s simply not possible anymore. A lot of games have that problem. The Interface is just too slow. I think it can be fixed, beside all that Graphical-renovations.

Happened on every system at home (4), no matter how fast.
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Old November 1, 2001, 09:16   #35
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In addition to poblems with fonts, blank diplomat screen, etc. there are two other bugs.
1. When I hit the Build key, it causes an "unable to allocate draw buffer" message adn dies.
2. Also, When I tried loading a scenaio, I got a "divide bu zero" error in civ3.exe.

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Old November 1, 2001, 09:55   #36
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Originally posted by ChrisShaffer
The white text on the map for many messages (culture has improved, barbarians defeated, swordsman built) flashes by too fast to read.
Agreed! I am sorly getting pissed when my cities go in to civil disorder or something else, and I am completely clueless for several turns becuase i blinked or something!
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Old November 1, 2001, 14:59   #37
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Originally posted by kenhorowitz
In addition to poblems with fonts, blank diplomat screen, etc. there are two other bugs.
1. When I hit the Build key, it causes an "unable to allocate draw buffer" message adn dies.
2. Also, When I tried loading a scenaio, I got a "divide bu zero" error in civ3.exe.

Athlon 750
Radeon PCI 32mb
128mb ram
40x cd rom
I think this one has been handled here. Basically the issue in your case may be that there not enough resources free when you run the game. You'll have to kill off just about all of your background tasks. If you're having font problems, the fix for that can also be found in that link.
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Old November 1, 2001, 16:27   #38
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(cross-post of link to initial thread I posted.... I apologize for not seeing this thread initially.)


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Old November 1, 2001, 17:56   #39
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I just read in another forum that a person had the same problems bad fonts, etc) as I did, and they answered that it might be the monitor rfresh rate. The person on that forum and I have monitors that won't go over 80 and it seems the game defaults to 120.
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Old November 1, 2001, 19:07   #40
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Two bugs, one repeats itself.
  • After a successful battle with barbarians (no battles with other Civs have occurred yet where promotion has occurred), a unit being promoted forces the game to think my Warrior unit (one already used movement point) has a second move. Attempting to move it does squat, attempting to skip the unit's phantom turn causes the game to get stuck on a "Please wait..." prompt (seen in the lower right box). It can be fixed by clicking on an unmoved unit (say, a fortified defender), instructing the unit to hold/wait/fortify/whatever. Then the game gets back on track. I've had this bug a few times.
  • Capturing an enemy city in a sucky location, I selected the "Raze City" option, to which Civ3 responded by dumping me out to the desktop with an Illegal Operation error message. I cannot confirm that this error is reproduceable because I shut down and went to bed at that stage (if nothing else, it's a great cure for "one more turn"-itis).

Everything else seems to be running smoothly (if SLOWLY).
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Old November 1, 2001, 19:41   #41
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korn- need any help with a list of links to these problems in the thread: I see that you can only update at certain times... And it seems that you are overloaded!
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Old November 1, 2001, 19:45   #42
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As an addendum to my above post about contact with the Babylonians causing a crash, I thought you might like to know that after restoring *again* from a manual save, my wife did not contact the Babylonians herself. However, a few turns later, they contacted her and when the initial contact/diplomacy screen popped up, it gave the same error.

Very bizarre...some kind of save game corruption, perhaps?
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Old November 1, 2001, 19:47   #43
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It would be nice if you would see some sort of notification when you shoot down planes or noticing many planes passing over my cities even when I have air superiority missions there and have no way to tell whether it is effective or not.
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Old November 1, 2001, 21:12   #44
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The hotkey for building a railroad ("R") doesn't work at all. You have to either click the icon or put your worker on automatic. It works, however, when you build a road.

Also, I'm getting this weird border formation where mine and the German's touch:
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Old November 1, 2001, 22:29   #45
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According to the manual's list of hot-keys, the Railroad key is "SHIFT-R" rather than just R.

Give that a try.

Oh, and. . . RTFM! :P

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Old November 2, 2001, 01:33   #46
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Just found another one. When I built a worker in a Roman city I had captured that still had a resistor, it gave its nationality as "(barbarian)" in the right-click menu and put a jumble of characters in the small box shown below:
Attached Thumbnails:
Click image for larger version

Name:	civ3a.jpg
Views:	1928
Size:	30.7 KB
ID:	5160  
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Old November 2, 2001, 04:26   #47
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Woo! That's what I was talking about above. Good screenshot.

Found another one. With Lighthouse, your galley should be safe on 'sea' squares, but not ocean. However, in 1000 years, mine never sank once, out in the depths. 5 galleys, 100 turns or so? I ain't THAT lucky. Fairly sure this is a Lighthouse problem, as I always sink just fine (even at Sea) without it.
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Old November 2, 2001, 06:20   #48
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Bear with me, this requires an explanation . . .

1070AD My elite knight attacks a town with 2 pikeman. Kills one, then retreats with 3/5 hps.

1080AD I attack the second pikeman, still with 3/5 hps and lose. I reload countless times and lose every time.

1080AD v2 I skip the knights turn
1090AD I attack with the knight, which is still 3/5 hps, still the same number of moves, still elite, and its the same pikeman. I win and take the town. I reload more than a few times and no change.

Not sure if this counts as a bug or if I am just crazy, but I don't see how waiting one more turn, when nothing has changed causes opposite results every time. Here's a link to the save game, had to take the comma out of the name to upload to Yahoo:
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Old November 2, 2001, 06:42   #49
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maybe the hitpoints has restored just a bit, but not enough to show up as a change.
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Old November 2, 2001, 08:50   #50
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[NOT a problem, RTFM] automated workers "overwriting" existing tile improvements
This is actually helped by using Shift-A keyboard shortcut instead of shortcut "A", or using the Automate button for a worker.

I should have read the fine manual!

Firaxis has indeed made an excellent game!


Problem included for reference anyway, as deletion was not permitted.

a) have a city (of size 12) with some irrigation and some clear squares in the city radius.
b) automate a worker near that city.

c) worker starts mining the irrigated sector (therefore destroying the irrigation in that sector), instead of working on the remaining clear (un-irrigated, un-mined) sectors.

Expected behaviour:
a) worker irrigates or mines the clear sectors first (in other nearby cities as well),
b) afterwards, worker (possibly/optionally) irrigates or mines the worked sectors in case of food/shield shortages respectively.

Vice versa for irrigating the mined sector.

Problem is repeatable and occurs often.
Recommeded severity: Medium.

Possible workarounds: changing city governor options.

Last edited by Juu; November 2, 2001 at 10:42.
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Old November 2, 2001, 12:00   #51
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Another typo, missing a space on the upgrade menu.
Attached Thumbnails:
Click image for larger version

Name:	civ3b.jpg
Views:	1612
Size:	4.0 KB
ID:	5189  
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Old November 2, 2001, 14:00   #52
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Originally posted by Travathian
Bear with me, this requires an explanation . . .

1070AD My elite knight attacks a town with 2 pikeman. Kills one, then retreats with 3/5 hps.

1080AD I attack the second pikeman, still with 3/5 hps and lose. I reload countless times and lose every time.

1080AD v2 I skip the knights turn
1090AD I attack with the knight, which is still 3/5 hps, still the same number of moves, still elite, and its the same pikeman. I win and take the town. I reload more than a few times and no change.

Not sure if this counts as a bug or if I am just crazy, but I don't see how waiting one more turn, when nothing has changed causes opposite results every time. Here's a link to the save game, had to take the comma out of the name to upload to Yahoo:
THis was implemented with SMAC I think. It is an anti-Load/Save cheat measure.

If you fight another battle first (or wait one turn) the results will change. If you just reaload, the result will stay the same.

Also I posted another thread with some bugs to another thread befor I saw this one, sorry:

- Russia did not appear on diplomacy screen.

- No undo in editor.

- Sometimes the right click function on the military screen works, sometimes it doesn’t. This problem only seems to manifest when sorting by cities.

- Communism and corruption; is distance to capitol supposed to be factor?

- The list sort function on the city advisor screen doesn’t work very well...

That is what I have found after two full games at Regent level. Any word on when the patch will be out?

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Old November 2, 2001, 14:22   #53
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Okay I'm calling this a bug after hearing several complaints on the help forum, and it's a serious bug at that: your own fighters don't seem to be intercepting enemy bombers...I have never seen a bomber shot down even if the bombing is occuring within the operational range of my own air superiority missions....This has happened to me over many, many turns, so it is more than just a "chance of interception" problem.

This is a serious problem folks....try winning a war in the modern age without air protection...can you say "Irag in the Gulf War?"

Ironically the AI doesn't seem to be having any trouble shooting down my own planes.
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Old November 2, 2001, 14:34   #54
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Ok i updated the list

AntiQaj what are your system stats?
Seraphim what are your system stats?

i am going to mail this weeks version of the bug list to firaxis now

keep on posting the bugs that you find
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Old November 2, 2001, 15:23   #55
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Originally posted by Seraphim
The hotkey for building a railroad ("R") doesn't work at all. You have to either click the icon or put your worker on automatic. It works, however, when you build a road.
The hotkey for building Railroads is Shift+R, not R. Check the Civilopedia under Hotkeys.
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Old November 2, 2001, 17:32   #56
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Originally posted by Boris Godunov

The hotkey for building Railroads is Shift+R, not R. Check the Civilopedia under Hotkeys.
Yes, but it doesn't SAY Shift-R when you highlite the icon, all it says is "Build (R)ailroad (Xturns)". (Another typo--shouldn't there be a space between the number and the turns?). I don't see why you would need to hold down shift anyway, R should build a road where there isn't one, and upgrade it to a railroad where there's a road. Worked just fine in Civ2.

For the record, by specs are:

Windows XP RTM ver 2600
Dual Pentium II 450MHz
512MB Ram
Nvidia Geforce 2 GTS Video Card (Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS)

Though I don't think these bugs are dependent on system hardware.
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Old November 2, 2001, 17:55   #57
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Originally posted by Nemo
2nd - i have a city that just produced a spearman, it is active. i have a warrior fortified in the same city. if i go to the city screen and right-click warrior and choose active, then right-click spearman and choose fortify...everything locks up. happened 3 times aready while trying this.
i've had the same thing happen twice in approx. 3 hours of playing in the same situation - activate one unit and fortify another while in the city screen. i don't recall which order i did them in, but one extra bit of information is that i think the unit i fortified was the 'active' unit (ready to move) at the time. it doesn't completely lock up, it's more like it stops responding to input. the animations and sounds keep playing, the mouse cursor moves, etc., but clicking the mouse or pressing keys has no effect on the game. I have to C/A/D and kill the process.

Win XP, Athlon XP 1600, 512M RAM, GF3 Ti200 (21.85)
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Old November 2, 2001, 19:29   #58
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Originally posted by Seraphim
Just found another one. When I built a worker in a Roman city I had captured that still had a resistor, it gave its nationality as "(barbarian)" in the right-click menu and put a jumble of characters in the small box shown below:
I confirm the barbarian jumble y's and squares for an American worker captured.
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Old November 2, 2001, 20:03   #59
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This listed "Start up issue"
Startup Issues:
*The game installs correctly and plays the intro movie but it scrambles the screen at the main menu, acting like the refresh rate is too high
p2 350, 256mb, win 2000, SB awe 64, 30 gig HD, geforce2 mx 32mb
D 900, Geforce2 MX400 64mb, Win XP (10.80 and 21.85 both caused this), Win 2000 (21.83), SB Live! Value;

...IS VERIFIED on my machine with the following hardware and software:
750 mHz PIII running Windows 2000 SP 2
64 MB GeForce 2 GTS (Detonator v.
ViewSonic PF790 Pro Series set to 60 mHz and 70 mHz
Attempted Screen Res 1600x1200, 1280x1024

Steps to reproduce:
-Launch game
-Monitor is degaussed and reset for the intro sequence/movie
-Movie plays smooth, no issues, game title comes up and music segues
-Screen darkens and as new music sequence comes up for what should obviously be the game's main menu.

-The monitor appears to attempt to switch back to the screen res it was originally set for when the game was launched, but instead it appears to hang or get stuck in "standby mode" in which it seems to be set to a power save mode.

I found a reg hack on this site that explains issues with monitor refresh rates. Basically, find the highest refresh rate setting for the screen resolution you are running....if that doesn't work, you will likely have to hack your registry to alter the POSSIBLE settings that can be used. Because, if your registry says that your listed modes allows 32bit True Color running @ 1600x1200 (which my adapter card can handle) with a monitor 120 mhz refresh rate (which my monitor CAN'T handle) CIV III will try to use that setting anyway.

Basically, find the screen res that you want to run, then try to run that res and the highest refresh rate that is an option to select in your display properties. If your screen goes into standby mode, your hosed and that's what the game is doing to you.

Here is the link, follow the directions CAREFULLY! I recommend that you save the registry key that you are about to hack in case you screw up your system real bad. In most cases, reinstalling your display or monitor drivers will solve any really bad surgery you do.

Last edited by fnord5; November 3, 2001 at 13:01.
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Old November 2, 2001, 20:32   #60
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I'm not sure if this can be classified a bug or not, but here goes. I haven't changed anything but I'm playing on a 16 civ Huge map. Three or four civs have already built Magellans Voyage and I'm building it now. Isn't it a major wonder, it says that it is in the civilopedia and it shows up in the 'see all wonders in the game' screen. So can anyone confirm/deny this? Is it just me or what?
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