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Old August 16, 2000, 14:23   #1
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Vote for your favorite Tribe.
I went and created a poll where you can pick your 5 favorite Tribes that you play in Civ 2.

I've already voted. You just vote then hit back and re-vote 4 more times. Then click reload to see the results. And you can vote once a week.


Dec. 19 2000 2:50 PM (EST)

Favorite Civ 2 Color and tribe scores.

1. Russian (43) / Roman (36) / Celts (10) = White (89)
2. German (31) / French (18) / Vikings (10) = Dark Blue (59)
3. English (18) / Greeks (16) / Carthaginians (13) = Orange (47)
4. American (27) / Chinese (7) / Persians (3) = Light Blue (37)
5. Egyptians (13) / Spanish (10) / Aztecs (7) = Yellow (30)
6. Babylonians (6) / Zulus (6) / Japanese (5) = Green (17)
7. Mongols (8) / Sioux (6) / Indians (2) = Purple (16)
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Old August 16, 2000, 18:19   #2
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Who did you vote for.
The Greeks (7) and Romans (5) are winning right now.

My votes:

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Old August 16, 2000, 20:01   #3
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I only voted for 2.
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Old August 17, 2000, 02:20   #4
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Maybe you should be able to vote for "other"?
My votes: Roman, Russian, English, Mongol, couldn't think of a fifth.
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Old August 17, 2000, 07:42   #5
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Originally posted by Smash on 08-16-2000 08:01 PM
I only voted for 2.

So it'll even out I think I accedentally voted for 6 After hitting back 3-4 times, I lost count and coudn't remember which ones I had or hadn't voted for (there were about 7-8 that were my favorites from time to time between Civ I and Civ II) Maybe I should have used the linked back instead of the back key

April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King

SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince

*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
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Old August 17, 2000, 10:36   #6
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I was the second to vote. My picks were:

Germans(Well actually I dug into the rules and changed it to Nazis. That counts, doesn't it?)

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Old August 17, 2000, 13:54   #7
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I think I only voted for four, so someone can have my last vote...
i picked: Canadians (oops, Americans, sorry to al you yankees!! )
Greeks, Egyptians, and Persians...
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Old August 17, 2000, 18:23   #8
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I'll use that last vote from you Uber.

I'll vote for the Egyptians again. Thank you very much.

Whew. Yesterday there were only 37 votes and today there are 81. Yikes!

The leaders are the Romans (11), Germans (8), Americans (8), and Greeks (8)

So all you Sioux fans get in there and vote! Many Civs only have one vote.
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Old August 18, 2000, 06:05   #9
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Just had my say ...

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Old August 18, 2000, 10:44   #10
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Yahoo! My vote for the Germans just created a first place tie between the Germans and Romans! Get your vote in, ya'll.

Proud Warrior of the O.W.L. Alliance
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Old August 19, 2000, 02:59   #11
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By the way someone can have my fifth vote too. Please use it to vote for the Romans
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Old August 19, 2000, 04:36   #12
Comrade Dan
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*remembers in vain his votes*

Uhhh...Romans, Germans, Russians, English, Zulus.
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Old August 19, 2000, 15:46   #13
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Originally posted by Comrade Dan on 08-19-2000 04:36 AM
*remembers in vain his votes*

Germans, English, Spanish... Russians... Can't remember the fifth, though,
Old August 19, 2000, 17:43   #14
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I don't mean this aggressively or anything, but is there going to be no discussion here as to why people voted for what they did? Or is this just a sort of "confess thy sins" sort of forum?

I voted for the Russians and Chinese. They are both in really nice places on the Earth map, and their early expansion is almost always guaranteed if you play your turns right!

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Old August 19, 2000, 21:42   #15
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Fine, fine...I will...

I choose Zulu's because I can have a lot of land under my thumb before the Greeks and Indians start making contacts in the Middle East.

Romans and Russians have a lot of names. I hate having 15 Naples.

Germans because...well...I'm a bloodlust kinda guy.

English because I play on the Europe map a lot, and get to act like Winston Churchill when the Spanish and Russians bomb me on my little island...
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Old August 19, 2000, 21:56   #16
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I chose Zulus cuz at first I didn't like to see them in single play.Then Shaka grew on me.No one ever seems to take them in MP and green is a good slot.

The English were a side effect of role playing as Edward the Longshanks.
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Old August 20, 2000, 04:26   #17
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Romans because they were the greatest civ ever.

Russians because their city names sound nice

English because...erm...don't really know why. I'm sure some of you could come up with a few reasons.

Mongols because they conquered huge parts of the world, which I like.

Normally I would have included Ukrainians, Incas and Dutch but I couldn't vote for them.

BTW my fifth vote is still unused...
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Old August 20, 2000, 05:02   #18
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Americans (I often rename them to United States, though - looks cooler) - because they have a nice continent all to themselves

English - because I enjoy overseas imperialism

French - because they are Europeans

Germans - because they are Europeans

Russians - a nice continent here, too

(Yes, I prefer Western civilizations)
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Old August 20, 2000, 16:50   #19
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I voted for the Indians because they are purple (my favorite color) and b/c I have always wanted to go to India. I also voted for the Vikings b/c I like to play as Freya sometiems and I like the dark blue
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Old August 20, 2000, 20:21   #20
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Okay Dr. Ooogkloot I used your fifth vote, but not for the Romans.
That's right, you should have used it when you had the chance HAHAAHAH

Meanwhile voting stands at
1.Romans (26) -They didn't need the vote anyway.
2.Germans (25)
3.Americans (19)
4.Russians (16)
5.Greeks (12)

With 183 votes logged. Lets get that number up to 500!
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Old August 21, 2000, 02:47   #21
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Russians because their city names sound nice

After you learn how to say them...

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Old August 21, 2000, 08:41   #22
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I choose always the Frrenchies, for the cities names, but I customize into Templars. Yeah.
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Old August 21, 2000, 11:19   #23
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so, you want rationalization for our votes?
I'm not quite sure which I voted for since I had more than 5 I wanted to vote for, so I'll list more than 5

English: King Stephen I of England was a real person

Germans: Ich studierte Deutsch weil ich im Oesterreich war. Sometimes call them the Prussians, or Austrians, or even the Germanic Tribes under Karl der Grosse

Aztecs: I always liked their music in Civ I

Egyptians: One of my favorite college professors was an expert in Egyptian history

Babylonians: altough I often rename them the Sumerians, or Assyrians, or Hebrews, or other fertile crescent civ.

Greeks: Hellenic culture that survived the Roman conquerers

Carthagenians: Cicero was paranoid

Chinese: who else for someone who favors huge populations?

There are others like the Spanish (Mexicans, Puerto Ricans) or the Americans (Texans, West Virginians, [insert favorite state here]ians), but then I'm already over limit

April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King

SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince

*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
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Old August 21, 2000, 22:13   #24
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Old August 22, 2000, 21:29   #25
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If white is taken I get VERY mad. But I will play as dark blue (german) and remain it Roman and make up names for the cities.

If dark blue (german) is taken then I go for Carthage.

If orange (carthage) is taken, I will pick Egypt and remain it Phoenicia, I've already made a list which I use, I'd add it to the game files, but I NEVER edit the game files for MP. Otherwise I change everything

Then if all those are taken, I resort to Persia.
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Old August 27, 2000, 19:35   #26
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Voting has slowed and stuck at 232 so I am bumping this thread up for all newby readers.

Leaders as of now:

1.Romans (33)
2.Germans (27)
3.Americans (25)
4.Russians (20)
5.Greeks (16)
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Old August 28, 2000, 08:18   #27
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It just occurred to me that it might be interesting to hear why people vote the way they do.

Personally, I play/vote for the Americans, Aztec, and Sioux due to geographical reasons and the English and French due to heritage.

Anyone else do the same?

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Old August 28, 2000, 20:32   #28
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Well kcbob, I already mentioned that we do that however I realized that I did not explain my reasons

Aztecs- Because they are cool and have technically no opposition on their continent.

Egyptians- Great strategic defense chokepoint.

Spanish- I just like yellow-colored tribes.

Romans- They have a naturally defensible spot.

Babylonians- A great civilization and so I honor them with my great skills as a player.

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