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Old June 4, 2002, 21:41   #121
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the whole jewish israel palestine thing
Just want to show people some information about greed and how people that live in the US especially are having this done to their country. I don't hate Jews but hate the ones that do this to people for greed. I am from OZ but see it happen here as well. I know it is off topic but can relate to how corruption should exist in Democracies in Civ 3 and should be quite high.

Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America
By Dr. William Pierce


This Enron thing becomes more interesting every day. Business and
finance are not my strong areas, and so I don't talk much about them.
The Enron collapse, however, has some very interesting political and
Jewish angles. We can see some fascinating parallels with other
recent financial catastrophes in the United States.

The general pattern is this: Jews will move into an area of economic
activity and with a lot of fast patter and sleight of hand persuade the
Gentiles in charge that they are financial geniuses who can benefit
the economy generally with their activity and along the way can make
a lot of money for any Gentiles fortunate enough to be allowed to
collaborate with them. The greediest among the Gentiles climb on board,
and for a while there is a flurry of activity, with a great deal of money
changing hands and moving to and fro. Then the bubble bursts, the
Gentiles all find that their wallets are missing, and the Jews claim that
it wasn't their fault, while they count their profits.

Remember Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Marty Siegel, Dennis Levine,
and the insider-trading scandal that nearly wrecked Wall Street a
dozen years ago -- and incidentally bankrupted tens of thousands of
ordinary Americans who lost their investments as a result of the artificial
manipulation of stock prices? Every major actor in that scandal was a

Remember the enormous savings-and-loan catastrophe during the 1980s
that ended up costing American taxpayers 500 billion dollars? A big part
of the reason for the collapse of the savings-and-loan industry in the
1980s was the huge investments in so-called "junk bonds" by so many
savings-and-loan institutions. Junk bonds are bonds issued by
corporations in need of cash that are unrated by Standard and Poor's or
Moody's because they are considered too risky, but which have much
higher yields than rated bonds. And the man behind the junk bonds --
the financial genius persuading the savings-and-loans to buy them --
was none other than Michael Milken. At the height of his junk-bond
promotions, Milken had a personal income of more than $500 million
a year: a fast-talking Jewboy, still in his 30s, taking home more than
half a billion dollars a year in personal income by selling junk bonds
to savings-and-loan institutions.

Well, that bubble eventually burst, and it took hundreds of banks and
savings-and-loan institutions with it. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary
Americans had their life savings invested in these institutions. By the
time the bubble had burst, however, Milken already was a billionaire
several times over. There was much chatter in the media and in the
Congress about the failures of all of these financial institutions, much
dark talk about foul play, but nothing ever came of it, primarily
because many politicians -- including members of both Bill Clinton's
family and George Bush's family -- had accepted money from Milken or
from one of the failed savings-and-loans. With so many corrupt but
powerful people standing to be burned if a thorough investigation and
exposé took place, none ever did, and the scandal was allowed to die
quietly with the full collaboration of the mass media.

A few politicians were thrown to the wolves to protect the rest -- the
most notable sacrifice being Speaker of the House Jim Wright, who was
forced to resign from Congress in 1989 as a result of his involvement.
And remnants of the scandal continued to haunt a few of those involved
for years -- Bill and Hillary Clinton, for example, who were targets of
the so-called "Whitewater" investigation -- but most of the perpetrators
were never called to account for their crimes and were allowed to sneak
away with their loot. The real victims of the looting of America's
savings-and-loan institutions ended up being you and I and the rest of
America's taxpayers, who were forced to cough up the $500 billion lost
when the institutions collapsed.

I hope that you will forgive me for expressing my suspicion that if so
many of the principals involved hadn't been Jews the mass media would
have had a lot more to say about the savings-and-loan disaster of the

It wasn't until Michael Milken hooked up with fellow Jews Ivan Boesky,
Marty Siegel, and Dennis Levine and tried his hand at insider trading
that the law finally caught up with him. In 1990 he was sentenced to
ten years in prison and forced to pay back $600 million of what he had
stolen, a small portion of his ill-gotten loot. He ended up serving less
than two years, and that time was spent in a minimum-security,
"country-club" prison.

Do you remember Martin Frankel, who stole more than $200 million
dollars from insurance companies in five states and then fled the country
in 1999 as police were closing in? Probably you don't remember Frankel,
because, despite the magnitude of his theft, there was very little
publicity about him in the media.

Do you remember Sholam Weiss, the ultra-Orthodox New York rabbi
who plundered $450 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance
Company in Florida, in the largest case of insurance theft in U.S. history?
He stole the life savings of more than 25,000 mostly elderly Americans
who had all of their retirement money invested in the insurance company.
He was convicted in an Orlando, Florida, Federal court in 1999 on 78
counts of racketeering, wire fraud, interstate transportation of stolen
property, and money laundering. Weiss, who amazingly had been
permitted by the court to be free on bond during his trial, immediately
jumped bail and fled the country with a substantial part of his loot.
He was sentenced in absentia to 845 years in prison. He was arrested
in Austria last October, but on January 10 this year the Austrian
government, sensitive to charges of anti-Semitism, decided not to
extradite him. There has been even less publicity about Weiss than
about Frankel, despite the unique magnitude of his theft.

Do you remember the New Square Four, the four Orthodox Jews in the
all-Jewish town of New Square, New York, who set up a phony Jewish
school, a yeshiva, that existed only on paper, and then collected more
than $40 million dollars in government grants for their non-existent
school? They are Chaim Berger, Kalmen Stern, David Goldstein, and
Jacob Elbaum. When they got caught and sent to prison in 1999, they
ran straight to the Clintons for help, and it is quite clear that a deal was
struck. When Hillary ran for the U.S. Senate in New York the following
year, the residents of all-Jewish New Square voted almost unanimously
for her, giving her 1,359 votes to 10 votes for her opponent Rick Lazio.
And a few weeks later, hours before leaving the White House, Bill
Clinton commuted the sentences of the four Jewish swindlers, in effect
canceling their prison terms. When they were sentenced in 1999 they were
ordered by the court to repay the stolen $40 million, but to date not a
cent has been recovered from them.

Certainly you remember Marc Rich and his partner Pincus Green. They're
the two Jewish criminals who got the most attention last year when they
received last-minute pardons from Bill Clinton. They are international
commodities speculators who broke a great many laws in their wheeling
and dealing and stashed away a few billion dollars for themselves while
doing it. When they were indicted for racketeering, wire fraud, and a
number of other felonies, they fled the country with their money. Rich
has given an estimated $200 million to Israel and an unknown amount to
Bill Clinton to buy his pardon. That caused a bit of a stink last year,
but it seems to have blown over now.

Rich wasn't even indicted for his most serious criminal activity, which
was his collaboration with Jewish gangsters in Russia in the looting of
Russia's wealth following the collapse of communism there. In a massive
swindle known as "privatization," Jewish bureaucrats in the Soviet
government sold Russia's factories and mineral wealth to Jewish
"businessmen" in the private sector. The theory was that the businessmen
would utilize these resources more productively than the Soviet
government had, thus benefiting the Russian economy. But the sales of
Soviet property actually were "sweetheart" deals that amounted to
giveaways, and the Jewish businessmen who received the property were
interested primarily in getting their loot safely out of Russia. Rich
did that for them and made hundreds of millions of dollars for himself
in the process.

And now we have the collapse of Enron, the huge gas-pipeline and energy
conglomerate in Houston. When it went down it took the life savings of
thousands of employees with it. Sound familiar? Members of George Bush's
family had their hands in Enron's operations up to their elbows. Sound
familiar? And, digging through the rubble of Enron's collapse and
turning over a very large flat stone at the bottom of the heap, what do
we find but another Jewish "financial genius" blinking at the light and
trying to scurry away like a startled cockroach, a bulging suitcase full
of money in each hand. Sound familiar?

Enron's chief financial officer was Andy Fastow. He went to work for
Enron in 1990 and was given the position of CFO in 1998 at the tender
age of 36, because his fast talk had convinced Enron's Gentile officers
that he was a financial genius and could make a lot of money for them.
Over the next two years, in fact, Fastow made a lot of money for
himself, squirreling away more than $50 million in personal gain.
He did that with a lot of fast sleight-of-hand and intricate financial deals
that eventually brought about the collapse of Enron and the pauperizing
of thousands of Enron's employees, who had all of their retirement money
tied up in the company. Not Fastow, though: he had sold his Enron stock
just before the collapse.

Fastow made most of his personal gains during the time he was the CFO
of Enron by using his position to engage in private dealing on the side,
often at the expense of Enron, the company whose interests he was
supposed to represent. He was able to get away with this and other
financial shenanigans by "cooking the books" as they say, so that it was
very difficult for anyone but himself to know what was going on or what
Enron's true financial situation was. But certainly he knew that his
creative financing had gotten Enron into very serious trouble when he
unloaded his own shares in the company at a substantial profit. He
continued to tell other shareholders that the company's future was very
rosy, however, even though he knew that the collapse was imminent.
As in the case of Michael Milken, Andy Fastow is described by the rabbi
of his synagogue as a nice Jewish boy who gave generously to Jewish
charities in Houston.

There are a number of investigations underway now into the collapse of
Enron, and Andy Fastow may, like Milken, end up in prison for a while
and be required to repay a portion of what he stole. Some of the
investigations are fueled by the hope of Democrats to implicate George
Bush in the scandal, as payback for the Republican effort to implicate
Bill and Hillary Clinton in the savings-and-loan scandal through the
"Whitewater" investigation. We'll see. But Fastow's Jewishness provides
a motive for other very powerful interests -- including the media -- to
let the whole matter die as soon as possible, the way the matter of the
looting of America's savings-and-loan industry was allowed to die.

There's a lesson in all this. It's not that Jews are the only crooks who
steal from the American people. George Bush is a crook, and he's not a
Jew. Bill and Hillary Clinton are crooks, and they're not Jews either.
Other Enron executives, who aren't Jews, collaborated with the chief
financial officer in bringing about the ruin of the company. In fact,
Jewish crooks such as Milken and Rich and Fastow would have a hard time
stealing anything if they weren't able to play on the greed of Gentile
crooks and enlist Gentile collaborators, such as the Bushes and the
Clintons. There probably are more Gentile swindlers in America than
Jewish swindlers, simply because Gentiles outnumber Jews 40 to one in
the overall population.

No, Jews aren't the only crooks, but they're certainly the biggest
crooks. If you hear about a 100-thousand-dollar swindle, it could be
anybody. If you hear about a 100-million-dollar swindle, then you know
that it has to be a Jew. Why is that? Why are most of the biggest
swindlers Jews? Is it because they're smarter than Gentile crooks?

Perhaps. Certainly, Jews have certain traits to a stronger degree than
non-Jews, on the average. They are more verbal. They can keep the
average Gentile distracted with a flow of words while they pick his
pocket. They are myth-makers. They seem to have a knack for spinning
fanciful yarns skillfully enough to entrance Gentiles. This is a
marketplace skill that they must have inherited from hundreds of
generations of forebears who made their living in exchange, in buying
and selling, in camel trading and money changing, in selling underwater
real estate, rather than in productive work.

Jews also are much more effectively networked than Gentiles. A Gentile
crook is more likely to work alone. A Jewish crook is more likely to
have a number of other Jews as accomplices in one way or another.
Milken and Rich are outstanding examples of this. Milken did his insider
trading in cahoots with several other Jewish crooks. When Jewish
gangsters in Russia were looking for the best way to smuggle their loot
out of Russia, they naturally turned to another Jew, Marc Rich. After
Milken and Rich were caught they had many Jews working for them behind
the scenes to help them avoid punishment. The whole Jewish town of New
Square, New York, pitched in to obtain freedom for Berger, Stern,
Goldstein, and Elbaum.

Perhaps the biggest advantage a Jewish crook has is that he is an
outsider. A Gentile swindler is nearly always stealing from fellow
Gentiles, from his own people, and he realizes that he is committing
not only a crime but also a moral offense in doing so. If he is caught he
becomes an outcast among his own people, and that's a very serious
matter, reflection upon which tends to limit his reach. A Jewish
swindler is nearly always stealing from Gentiles, and that is something
condoned by his religion and by long-established custom among his
people. He may be punished by the Gentiles if he is caught, but he does
not become an outcast in the eyes of his own people, and so he is not
held back by moral considerations. His tendency is to reach further than
a Gentile crook in his place would.

I should mention here that most Jews will deny that their religion
condones stealing from Gentiles, but in fact it does, and they know it,
as I have pointed out in earlier broadcasts. Those who have the time for
it and the interest can make a study of the Talmud for themselves. For
those who are interested but who don't have the time to delve into the
Talmud, I recommend the books by the late Israeli professor Israel
Shahak that are available from the sponsor of this program, National
Vanguard Books. I don't know about Martin Frankel's or Marc Rich's
religious beliefs, but Michael Milken and Andy Fastow are both
synagogue-going Jews. The New Square Four, as Orthodox Jews,
are steeped in the teachings of the Talmud. And certainly that is true
of Rabbi Sholam Weiss.

Well, regardless of the reason, the fact is that Jews are much more
likely to be 100-million-dollar swindlers than Gentiles are, and they're
more likely to get away with it. And the fact also is that without
greedy, crooked Gentile accomplices they wouldn't be able to swindle
our people out of so much money. We get swindled by clever and tricky
Jews like Milken and Rich and Fastow because we have let our system
become corrupt. We have a corrupt political system, corrupt leaders.
That's one of the most important lessons in the Enron collapse.

Actually, these Jewish swindlers who get caught with their hands in
our pockets do us much less damage than Jewish swindlers -- Jewish
myth-makers -- of a different sort. Feminism is a myth spun by
fast-talking Jews and Jewesses that has done enormous damage to our
people, individually and collectively. It is the principal reason that
the White birthrate has dropped well below the replacement level. The
matron saint of modern feminism is the Jewess Betty Friedan, and most
of the influential propagandists for feminism also have been Jewesses.
The Jewish mass media have without exception been promoters of this

The post-World War Two destruction of White America by opening our
borders to the Third World has been the work of fast-talking Jewish
myth-makers. While Jews in the Congress worked with Gentile
collaborators to scrap the immigration law that had favored Europeans,
the Jews in the media promoted the fatuous notion that since America is
a nation of immigrants, the American thing to do is to let everyone from
Asia and Mexico and the Caribbean and the Middle East become an
American immigrant too.

The lying and subversive slogan "diversity is our strength" is the
creation of fast-talking Jewish myth-makers. Multiculturalism has been
built on Jewish myths about the biological equality of the races. It was
a Jewish myth that was behind the September 11 attack on America:
namely, the myth that Israel is America's "ally" and deserves America's
support. The Jewish swindlers who made all of these myths depended
heavily on the support of corrupt or foolish Gentiles for their success,
just as Michael Milken and Andy Fastow depended on the collaboration
of corrupt and greedy Gentiles for the success of their clever, Jewish
shell games with stocks and bonds and money.

Well, anyway, what we can hope for now is that the Enron investigations
will stay alive long enough for a few perceptive Americans to appreciate
fully the truly Jewish role played by Enron's chief financial officer,
Andy Fastow, in bringing about the ruin of the company.

Beyond that, I suppose it is too much to hope that many Americans will
gain a deeper understanding of the essential role that the corruption of
our government and our society has played in allowing Jews like Milken
and Fastow to do their destructive work. But it is a fact, as I have said
before, that without our own weakness and corruption the Jews would
have no opportunity to do their destructive work: no opportunity to
exploit us or to hypnotize us with their myths. Curing that weakness and
cutting that corruption out of our society is the biggest task we have
before us.
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Old June 4, 2002, 22:54   #122
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I wish the Poles would have been in there. Could have had some good fun with them. Instead I have to create them myself probably. Something like Historicle Leader- Jozef Pilsudski, Militaristic and (Either religious or Industrial), UU Could be numerouse things, Husaria, Ulan(Either Napoleonic or My favorite 1918-1939 to replace tank perhaps? 12 attack 10 Defence 3 Move Blitz?) Would be cool if they had them in.
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Old June 5, 2002, 01:11   #123
Jon Shafer
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Off-topic, off-topic folks, criminy!
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Old June 5, 2002, 09:17   #124
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I didn't read something that antisemitic in ages (the article posted by Dnassman, which I didn't read entirely, it's making me puke)

Mikhail :
I too regret that Thailand / Siam didn' make it, as another African Civ. We could easily have suppressed the Gauls, and maybe the Vikings or the Carthaginians to implement these. Maybe in the next XP ?
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Old June 5, 2002, 09:24   #125
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Re: the whole jewish israel palestine thing
Originally posted by dnassman
Just want to show people some information about greed and how people that live in the US especially are having this done to their country. I don't hate Jews but hate the ones that do this to people for greed. I am from OZ but see it happen here as well. I know it is off topic but can relate to how corruption should exist in Democracies in Civ 3 and should be quite high.

Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America
By Dr. William Pierce


This Enron thing becomes more interesting every day. Business and
finance are not my strong areas, and so I don't talk much about them.
The Enron collapse, however, has some very interesting political and
Jewish angles. We can see some fascinating parallels with other
recent financial catastrophes in the United States.

The general pattern is this: Jews will move into an area of economic
activity and with a lot of fast patter and sleight of hand persuade the
Gentiles in charge that they are financial geniuses who can benefit
the economy generally with their activity and along the way can make
a lot of money for any Gentiles fortunate enough to be allowed to
collaborate with them. The greediest among the Gentiles climb on board,
and for a while there is a flurry of activity, with a great deal of money
changing hands and moving to and fro. Then the bubble bursts, the
Gentiles all find that their wallets are missing, and the Jews claim that
it wasn't their fault, while they count their profits.

Remember Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Marty Siegel, Dennis Levine,
and the insider-trading scandal that nearly wrecked Wall Street a
dozen years ago -- and incidentally bankrupted tens of thousands of
ordinary Americans who lost their investments as a result of the artificial
manipulation of stock prices? Every major actor in that scandal was a

Remember the enormous savings-and-loan catastrophe during the 1980s
that ended up costing American taxpayers 500 billion dollars? A big part
of the reason for the collapse of the savings-and-loan industry in the
1980s was the huge investments in so-called "junk bonds" by so many
savings-and-loan institutions. Junk bonds are bonds issued by
corporations in need of cash that are unrated by Standard and Poor's or
Moody's because they are considered too risky, but which have much
higher yields than rated bonds. And the man behind the junk bonds --
the financial genius persuading the savings-and-loans to buy them --
was none other than Michael Milken. At the height of his junk-bond
promotions, Milken had a personal income of more than $500 million
a year: a fast-talking Jewboy, still in his 30s, taking home more than
half a billion dollars a year in personal income by selling junk bonds
to savings-and-loan institutions.

Well, that bubble eventually burst, and it took hundreds of banks and
savings-and-loan institutions with it. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary
Americans had their life savings invested in these institutions. By the
time the bubble had burst, however, Milken already was a billionaire
several times over. There was much chatter in the media and in the
Congress about the failures of all of these financial institutions, much
dark talk about foul play, but nothing ever came of it, primarily
because many politicians -- including members of both Bill Clinton's
family and George Bush's family -- had accepted money from Milken or
from one of the failed savings-and-loans. With so many corrupt but
powerful people standing to be burned if a thorough investigation and
exposé took place, none ever did, and the scandal was allowed to die
quietly with the full collaboration of the mass media.

A few politicians were thrown to the wolves to protect the rest -- the
most notable sacrifice being Speaker of the House Jim Wright, who was
forced to resign from Congress in 1989 as a result of his involvement.
And remnants of the scandal continued to haunt a few of those involved
for years -- Bill and Hillary Clinton, for example, who were targets of
the so-called "Whitewater" investigation -- but most of the perpetrators
were never called to account for their crimes and were allowed to sneak
away with their loot. The real victims of the looting of America's
savings-and-loan institutions ended up being you and I and the rest of
America's taxpayers, who were forced to cough up the $500 billion lost
when the institutions collapsed.

I hope that you will forgive me for expressing my suspicion that if so
many of the principals involved hadn't been Jews the mass media would
have had a lot more to say about the savings-and-loan disaster of the

It wasn't until Michael Milken hooked up with fellow Jews Ivan Boesky,
Marty Siegel, and Dennis Levine and tried his hand at insider trading
that the law finally caught up with him. In 1990 he was sentenced to
ten years in prison and forced to pay back $600 million of what he had
stolen, a small portion of his ill-gotten loot. He ended up serving less
than two years, and that time was spent in a minimum-security,
"country-club" prison.

Do you remember Martin Frankel, who stole more than $200 million
dollars from insurance companies in five states and then fled the country
in 1999 as police were closing in? Probably you don't remember Frankel,
because, despite the magnitude of his theft, there was very little
publicity about him in the media.

Do you remember Sholam Weiss, the ultra-Orthodox New York rabbi
who plundered $450 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance
Company in Florida, in the largest case of insurance theft in U.S. history?
He stole the life savings of more than 25,000 mostly elderly Americans
who had all of their retirement money invested in the insurance company.
He was convicted in an Orlando, Florida, Federal court in 1999 on 78
counts of racketeering, wire fraud, interstate transportation of stolen
property, and money laundering. Weiss, who amazingly had been
permitted by the court to be free on bond during his trial, immediately
jumped bail and fled the country with a substantial part of his loot.
He was sentenced in absentia to 845 years in prison. He was arrested
in Austria last October, but on January 10 this year the Austrian
government, sensitive to charges of anti-Semitism, decided not to
extradite him. There has been even less publicity about Weiss than
about Frankel, despite the unique magnitude of his theft.

Do you remember the New Square Four, the four Orthodox Jews in the
all-Jewish town of New Square, New York, who set up a phony Jewish
school, a yeshiva, that existed only on paper, and then collected more
than $40 million dollars in government grants for their non-existent
school? They are Chaim Berger, Kalmen Stern, David Goldstein, and
Jacob Elbaum. When they got caught and sent to prison in 1999, they
ran straight to the Clintons for help, and it is quite clear that a deal was
struck. When Hillary ran for the U.S. Senate in New York the following
year, the residents of all-Jewish New Square voted almost unanimously
for her, giving her 1,359 votes to 10 votes for her opponent Rick Lazio.
And a few weeks later, hours before leaving the White House, Bill
Clinton commuted the sentences of the four Jewish swindlers, in effect
canceling their prison terms. When they were sentenced in 1999 they were
ordered by the court to repay the stolen $40 million, but to date not a
cent has been recovered from them.

Certainly you remember Marc Rich and his partner Pincus Green. They're
the two Jewish criminals who got the most attention last year when they
received last-minute pardons from Bill Clinton. They are international
commodities speculators who broke a great many laws in their wheeling
and dealing and stashed away a few billion dollars for themselves while
doing it. When they were indicted for racketeering, wire fraud, and a
number of other felonies, they fled the country with their money. Rich
has given an estimated $200 million to Israel and an unknown amount to
Bill Clinton to buy his pardon. That caused a bit of a stink last year,
but it seems to have blown over now.

Rich wasn't even indicted for his most serious criminal activity, which
was his collaboration with Jewish gangsters in Russia in the looting of
Russia's wealth following the collapse of communism there. In a massive
swindle known as "privatization," Jewish bureaucrats in the Soviet
government sold Russia's factories and mineral wealth to Jewish
"businessmen" in the private sector. The theory was that the businessmen
would utilize these resources more productively than the Soviet
government had, thus benefiting the Russian economy. But the sales of
Soviet property actually were "sweetheart" deals that amounted to
giveaways, and the Jewish businessmen who received the property were
interested primarily in getting their loot safely out of Russia. Rich
did that for them and made hundreds of millions of dollars for himself
in the process.

And now we have the collapse of Enron, the huge gas-pipeline and energy
conglomerate in Houston. When it went down it took the life savings of
thousands of employees with it. Sound familiar? Members of George Bush's
family had their hands in Enron's operations up to their elbows. Sound
familiar? And, digging through the rubble of Enron's collapse and
turning over a very large flat stone at the bottom of the heap, what do
we find but another Jewish "financial genius" blinking at the light and
trying to scurry away like a startled cockroach, a bulging suitcase full
of money in each hand. Sound familiar?

Enron's chief financial officer was Andy Fastow. He went to work for
Enron in 1990 and was given the position of CFO in 1998 at the tender
age of 36, because his fast talk had convinced Enron's Gentile officers
that he was a financial genius and could make a lot of money for them.
Over the next two years, in fact, Fastow made a lot of money for
himself, squirreling away more than $50 million in personal gain.
He did that with a lot of fast sleight-of-hand and intricate financial deals
that eventually brought about the collapse of Enron and the pauperizing
of thousands of Enron's employees, who had all of their retirement money
tied up in the company. Not Fastow, though: he had sold his Enron stock
just before the collapse.

Fastow made most of his personal gains during the time he was the CFO
of Enron by using his position to engage in private dealing on the side,
often at the expense of Enron, the company whose interests he was
supposed to represent. He was able to get away with this and other
financial shenanigans by "cooking the books" as they say, so that it was
very difficult for anyone but himself to know what was going on or what
Enron's true financial situation was. But certainly he knew that his
creative financing had gotten Enron into very serious trouble when he
unloaded his own shares in the company at a substantial profit. He
continued to tell other shareholders that the company's future was very
rosy, however, even though he knew that the collapse was imminent.
As in the case of Michael Milken, Andy Fastow is described by the rabbi
of his synagogue as a nice Jewish boy who gave generously to Jewish
charities in Houston.

There are a number of investigations underway now into the collapse of
Enron, and Andy Fastow may, like Milken, end up in prison for a while
and be required to repay a portion of what he stole. Some of the
investigations are fueled by the hope of Democrats to implicate George
Bush in the scandal, as payback for the Republican effort to implicate
Bill and Hillary Clinton in the savings-and-loan scandal through the
"Whitewater" investigation. We'll see. But Fastow's Jewishness provides
a motive for other very powerful interests -- including the media -- to
let the whole matter die as soon as possible, the way the matter of the
looting of America's savings-and-loan industry was allowed to die.

There's a lesson in all this. It's not that Jews are the only crooks who
steal from the American people. George Bush is a crook, and he's not a
Jew. Bill and Hillary Clinton are crooks, and they're not Jews either.
Other Enron executives, who aren't Jews, collaborated with the chief
financial officer in bringing about the ruin of the company. In fact,
Jewish crooks such as Milken and Rich and Fastow would have a hard time
stealing anything if they weren't able to play on the greed of Gentile
crooks and enlist Gentile collaborators, such as the Bushes and the
Clintons. There probably are more Gentile swindlers in America than
Jewish swindlers, simply because Gentiles outnumber Jews 40 to one in
the overall population.

No, Jews aren't the only crooks, but they're certainly the biggest
crooks. If you hear about a 100-thousand-dollar swindle, it could be
anybody. If you hear about a 100-million-dollar swindle, then you know
that it has to be a Jew. Why is that? Why are most of the biggest
swindlers Jews? Is it because they're smarter than Gentile crooks?

Perhaps. Certainly, Jews have certain traits to a stronger degree than
non-Jews, on the average. They are more verbal. They can keep the
average Gentile distracted with a flow of words while they pick his
pocket. They are myth-makers. They seem to have a knack for spinning
fanciful yarns skillfully enough to entrance Gentiles. This is a
marketplace skill that they must have inherited from hundreds of
generations of forebears who made their living in exchange, in buying
and selling, in camel trading and money changing, in selling underwater
real estate, rather than in productive work.

Jews also are much more effectively networked than Gentiles. A Gentile
crook is more likely to work alone. A Jewish crook is more likely to
have a number of other Jews as accomplices in one way or another.
Milken and Rich are outstanding examples of this. Milken did his insider
trading in cahoots with several other Jewish crooks. When Jewish
gangsters in Russia were looking for the best way to smuggle their loot
out of Russia, they naturally turned to another Jew, Marc Rich. After
Milken and Rich were caught they had many Jews working for them behind
the scenes to help them avoid punishment. The whole Jewish town of New
Square, New York, pitched in to obtain freedom for Berger, Stern,
Goldstein, and Elbaum.

Perhaps the biggest advantage a Jewish crook has is that he is an
outsider. A Gentile swindler is nearly always stealing from fellow
Gentiles, from his own people, and he realizes that he is committing
not only a crime but also a moral offense in doing so. If he is caught he
becomes an outcast among his own people, and that's a very serious
matter, reflection upon which tends to limit his reach. A Jewish
swindler is nearly always stealing from Gentiles, and that is something
condoned by his religion and by long-established custom among his
people. He may be punished by the Gentiles if he is caught, but he does
not become an outcast in the eyes of his own people, and so he is not
held back by moral considerations. His tendency is to reach further than
a Gentile crook in his place would.

I should mention here that most Jews will deny that their religion
condones stealing from Gentiles, but in fact it does, and they know it,
as I have pointed out in earlier broadcasts. Those who have the time for
it and the interest can make a study of the Talmud for themselves. For
those who are interested but who don't have the time to delve into the
Talmud, I recommend the books by the late Israeli professor Israel
Shahak that are available from the sponsor of this program, National
Vanguard Books. I don't know about Martin Frankel's or Marc Rich's
religious beliefs, but Michael Milken and Andy Fastow are both
synagogue-going Jews. The New Square Four, as Orthodox Jews,
are steeped in the teachings of the Talmud. And certainly that is true
of Rabbi Sholam Weiss.

Well, regardless of the reason, the fact is that Jews are much more
likely to be 100-million-dollar swindlers than Gentiles are, and they're
more likely to get away with it. And the fact also is that without
greedy, crooked Gentile accomplices they wouldn't be able to swindle
our people out of so much money. We get swindled by clever and tricky
Jews like Milken and Rich and Fastow because we have let our system
become corrupt. We have a corrupt political system, corrupt leaders.
That's one of the most important lessons in the Enron collapse.

Actually, these Jewish swindlers who get caught with their hands in
our pockets do us much less damage than Jewish swindlers -- Jewish
myth-makers -- of a different sort. Feminism is a myth spun by
fast-talking Jews and Jewesses that has done enormous damage to our
people, individually and collectively. It is the principal reason that
the White birthrate has dropped well below the replacement level. The
matron saint of modern feminism is the Jewess Betty Friedan, and most
of the influential propagandists for feminism also have been Jewesses.
The Jewish mass media have without exception been promoters of this

The post-World War Two destruction of White America by opening our
borders to the Third World has been the work of fast-talking Jewish
myth-makers. While Jews in the Congress worked with Gentile
collaborators to scrap the immigration law that had favored Europeans,
the Jews in the media promoted the fatuous notion that since America is
a nation of immigrants, the American thing to do is to let everyone from
Asia and Mexico and the Caribbean and the Middle East become an
American immigrant too.

The lying and subversive slogan "diversity is our strength" is the
creation of fast-talking Jewish myth-makers. Multiculturalism has been
built on Jewish myths about the biological equality of the races. It was
a Jewish myth that was behind the September 11 attack on America:
namely, the myth that Israel is America's "ally" and deserves America's
support. The Jewish swindlers who made all of these myths depended
heavily on the support of corrupt or foolish Gentiles for their success,
just as Michael Milken and Andy Fastow depended on the collaboration
of corrupt and greedy Gentiles for the success of their clever, Jewish
shell games with stocks and bonds and money.

Well, anyway, what we can hope for now is that the Enron investigations
will stay alive long enough for a few perceptive Americans to appreciate
fully the truly Jewish role played by Enron's chief financial officer,
Andy Fastow, in bringing about the ruin of the company.

Beyond that, I suppose it is too much to hope that many Americans will
gain a deeper understanding of the essential role that the corruption of
our government and our society has played in allowing Jews like Milken
and Fastow to do their destructive work. But it is a fact, as I have said
before, that without our own weakness and corruption the Jews would
have no opportunity to do their destructive work: no opportunity to
exploit us or to hypnotize us with their myths. Curing that weakness and
cutting that corruption out of our society is the biggest task we have
before us.
hi ,

one this should go in the off-topic , two its wrong , ............
wake - up and meet some Jews , ..........both in real live and on the net , ....

have a nice day
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Old June 5, 2002, 11:36   #126
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that entire anti-semitic post...

i don't see how it connects at all to the discussion at hand.

could you care to explain, Dnassman?
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Old June 5, 2002, 13:55   #127
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Originally posted by Q Cubed
that entire anti-semitic post...

i don't see how it connects at all to the discussion at hand.

could you care to explain, Dnassman?
No, please don't, because it's off topic. Start an OT thread for this!
Thanks, Lucilla
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Old June 5, 2002, 17:40   #128
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I hope nowbody believe i agree to that strange post by Dnassman, even if i am organized in the local palestinian solidarity group.
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Old June 5, 2002, 17:43   #129
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hi ,

guys and girls , lets forget about that post and stay on topic , otherwise this thread is spoiled , let us be smart and show no more intrest to it , ........

have a nice day
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Old June 5, 2002, 18:40   #130
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Re: the whole jewish israel palestine thing
Originally posted by dn-A$$-man

BTW I'm not Jewish. My nationality from Muslim country. I'm nor Muslim, nor Christian. Rationally minded agnostic only...
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Old June 5, 2002, 23:22   #131
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And about that peace offer. Nothing less then 100% is unacceptable. Should Israel be rewarded for occuping a country for 40 years?
Let's see... there was NEVER a country called "Palestine"-- not 40 years ago, not 400 years ago, so exactly what has Israel "occupied"....

Anything less than 100%..... including the Jewish Holy Sites in Jerusalem???? Why should Israel be asked to return its holy places to the same people that defiled them only 40 years ago (when Jordanians tore down synagouges and ripped up tombstones to build latrines, and exiled the 50000 Jews living in so-called "east jerusalem"). Why do you support freedom of religion for everyone except Jews...

Do you really think 3% of the West Bank justifies the torrid of shootings and suicide bombings conducted by Israel over the past 3 years--- and justifies not even NEGOTIATING-- remember, Arafat turned down 97% and offered no new ideas, except for claiming-- in defiance of 3000 years of history-- that Jerusalem is not a Jewish holy place.

Do you even accept the right for Israel to exist?? Or is your idea of "middle east peace" to push the Jews into the sea. Sorry, but Israel can't accept that.

I do not back of suicide bombers, but face it, the mayority of the palestinians are not suicide bombers, and now the israelis are treating them all like they are. And they have been treating them that way since the creation of israel.
Does not anyone tell you about how the peoples who used to live in todays israel were knocked out by the jewish immigrant when Israel where founded? They are still refugees.
The majority of Palestinians SUPPORT suicide bombers... but even if they didn't--- even if only 5% gave them aid and shelter.... Israel has to do something to defend their cities and people... and Arafat refuses to do anything except praise "marytrs"-- how would YOU react?? You've got maybe 1000 bad murderors hiding in a city of 100,000-- you've got to get them- that requires military force. The fact is that Palestinian terrorists hide in civilian areas-- would you prefer Israel did nothing and watch hundreds of its people die every week?

There's a reason why the Palestinians are still "refugees" (by the way, it's a myth that they were kicked out-- they weren't--- they fled voluntarily. The 200,000 who stayed behind became full Israeli citizens). The 700,000 Jews who were kicked out of Arab countries were welcomed with open arms by Israel, made citizens, trained and housed-- and became productive citizens.

In contrast... by law, the Arab countries refused the Palestinians citizenship, refused them work permits, and kept them imprisioned in refugee camps to keep them perpetually poor, miserable, and a weapon against Israel.

And by the way, why should the norwegian newspaper tell me thing that is less true than what your israeli tell you? I can not see a purpose for them lying to me, but i definatly can see a purpose of the israeli journalists being liers.

By the way, does anyone tell you that palestinians dont have primary rights in Israel, and that Israel is proclaimed (in difference with every other modern country) one state, one people and one religion. Does not leave very much space for the palestinians, does it?
You really don't have your facts... and yes, the so-called European journalists are liers and Jew-haters. I'd trust the American media much more... such as the Wall Street Journal. I could list you dozens of examples.... e-mail me at if you are actually interested in learning the truth.

And you're wrong about Israeli citizenship.... 20% of Israel's population are Palestinians. The Palestinians inside Israel (as opposed to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank) are full citizens, and support primarily Arab political parties. These parties currently have 12 seats in Parliment, meaning there are 12 more elected Arab parlimentarians in Israel than.... anywhere else in the Middle East.

Israel is a state for all its citizens-- only 80% of whom are Jewish.

In contrast.... Saudi Arabia is a state only for Wahabi Muslims. Christianity and Judaism are both banned. But the world never crticizes the Saudis....

As tragic as it is, you Europeans will learn soon enough, when after 30 more years of Arab immigration you start getting suicide bombings in Spain (read Andalusia), France, and yes, Norway.
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Old June 6, 2002, 06:49   #132
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there is no point in arguing with a brain washed guy like you.

But let me ask you one question, why do you think those palestines actually do suicide bombing?

Why trust a corrupt and ****ed up society like the us?
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Old June 6, 2002, 11:36   #133
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Incans must be in the game, that's all.
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Old June 6, 2002, 12:58   #134
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hi ,

people , stop it , there is enough room in the off-topic , .....

have a nice day
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Old June 6, 2002, 13:07   #135
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Originally posted by KaiserIsak
there is no point in arguing with a brain washed guy like you.

But let me ask you one question, why do you think those palestines actually do suicide bombing?

Why trust a corrupt and ****ed up society like the us?
hi ,

there is enough room in the OT , go there , started this ,

have a nice day
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Old June 6, 2002, 13:15   #136
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Second... This is an on topic forum. The discussion has now turned into a typical Middle East thread that should be in the Off Topic Forum... NOT HERE. So the next person that continues this anti jewish or pro jewish discussion will be restricted.

Third... The next person that throws a personal insult at another member will be toast as well.

Act civilized, or don't bother to post here.

Now I'm just waiting to see who gets banned first!

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Old June 6, 2002, 15:03   #137
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Last edited by Oerdin; June 6, 2002 at 15:12.
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Old June 6, 2002, 15:13   #138
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Originally posted by Oerdin

I am consistantly amazed how both sides of this argument run around and call each other brain-washed. The truth is you're both very selective about which parts of history, and the present, you use.
hi ,

can we please get back to the topic , .......and put the rest aside , ........there is room in the off-topic

have a nice day
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Old June 6, 2002, 15:39   #139
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Back on topic.

I don't know what the 2 remaining civs will be, but it won't be long until we know.

Let's not get this thread closed or moved elsewhere.

Thank you Ming for speaking up. If a mod threatens action, it is obvious something has gotten out of hand.
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Old June 6, 2002, 15:47   #140
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hi ,

the most people say that sooner then later firaxis shall tell us , ....hoever it could be that they are still waiting for one or the other reason , ....example they put this one in but find that its not that good , ...

have a nice day
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Old June 6, 2002, 16:10   #141
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I have posted similar comments about maybe they haven't chosen the last one or two, and are waiting to see how popular the civs are before deciding on what the last 2 will be. Esp. since they haven't said Korea is in, even if it is a Korean artillery piece. A reasonable explanation could be for more variety in artillery instead of Korea as a civ.
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Old June 6, 2002, 16:20   #142
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hi ,

korea is in , so , ...what will the last civ be , ....

have a nice day
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Old June 6, 2002, 16:41   #143
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Apparently the Andorians are now a strong possiblity.

As are Mutant Dinosaur Zombies (with Robots).
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Old June 6, 2002, 16:45   #144
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Originally posted by notyoueither
Apparently the Andorians are now a strong possiblity.

As are Mutant Dinosaur Zombies (with Robots).
hi ,

are you the funniest one at home , .........

have a nice day
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Old June 6, 2002, 17:25   #145
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Actually you are talking politics as well when you say anti-jewish ming (=
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Old June 6, 2002, 17:28   #146
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Originally posted by KaiserIsak
Actually you are talking politics as well when you say anti-jewish ming (=
hi ,

can we please drop IT , and all that goes next with it , ...;

have a nice day
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Old June 6, 2002, 21:00   #147
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As Jeff said all Civs were decided (but still not disclosed), the only margin we have is the Arabs. It's possible they didn't make the cut : only one article mentions them so far.
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Old June 6, 2002, 21:21   #148
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strange the turks got so many votes, especially since the arabs are an option as well, i can't see we're getting two new middle eastern civs, and the turks did **** all compared to the arabs.

it's gonna be the arabs and the incas. this has probably been mentioned earlier, but they were both sort of included in civ2: their leader names (saladin & atahualpa) were in the rules.txt file and their cities were in the cities.txt.
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Old June 6, 2002, 23:21   #149
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The only problem is that in some PtW video footage, we see cities named "Istanbul" and "Antalya". I don't think those are Arab, either.
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Old June 7, 2002, 00:10   #150
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Originally posted by KaiserIsak
there is no point in arguing with a brain washed guy like you.
The way you know you win an argument is when your opponent ceases responding (lacking facts) and starts insulting. I'll take that compliment thank you.
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