View Poll Results: foreign policy on the americans
seek peace at all costs 1 5.00%
get the wonders and then seek peace 2 10.00%
keep taking cities but accept peace when offered 3 15.00%
Crush them out of existance 14 70.00%
I don't care eat a banana 0 0%
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Old June 3, 2002, 07:01   #1
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1720ad Foreign ministers report on americans
Foreign ministers report on the Americans.

The Americans have 4 cities with Washington their capital, they are allied with the Egyptians and at war with us
They have 3 techs that we do not have Economics,Medicine and bridge building and are rescearing Invention.
they are a republic with 227 gold in their treasury.

They have 2 wonders of the world, the great library of New York and shakespeare's theatre in washington.

Their cities are protected by city walls but are only defended by phlanxes or equivelent until they get feudalism from the egyptians when they discover it giving them pikeman.

I recommend we destroy this civ along with their allies leaving no trace that they ever existed.
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Old June 3, 2002, 10:14   #2
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Guess my vote.

Minister of WAR, not peace.

Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!
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Old June 3, 2002, 10:32   #3
Marquis de Sodaq
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Strike their collective butt with our collective boot! If we have a diplomat, perhaps he could "borrow" a tech, too.
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Old June 3, 2002, 11:59   #4
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I agree, we could borrow a tech or two and some WoW while our troops are walking around(he they have to sleep somewhere )

And then maybe accept some peace if they offer it else -->KILL

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Old June 3, 2002, 13:58   #5
H Tower
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i think we should just kill them off. i'd rather not have to share a major island with the enemy unless completely neccesary. they'll just try and steal techs from us or build cities within the middle of OUR island.

The dialectic demands that we liberate our brother workers in America!
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Old June 3, 2002, 14:45   #6
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no point in allowing a nation we are at war with to slip from our grasp just to fight another day.

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Old June 3, 2002, 15:16   #7
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May they all perish weeping in bitter frustration!
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Old June 3, 2002, 18:35   #8
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They have no future on this planet. And Sheakespeare does come in quite handy when we ever decide to go demo.
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Old June 4, 2002, 16:43   #9
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Leaving the war at this point would only cost us time and resources, as we would have to attack them again. Also, it would probably cost us money etc. to get them to stop (or so I've heard. I've never played on deity.).
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Old June 4, 2002, 16:51   #10
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Originally posted by skywalker
Also, it would probably cost us money etc. to get them to stop (or so I've heard. I've never played on deity.).
Now why on earth would we even think about stopping the war with the americans?
But yeah, on deity its allmost impossible to keep at peace with AI when you're our size.
Unless you give them large amounts of gold and many techs off course
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