View Poll Results: Which kind of Democracy do we want ?
Assembly composed by Directors and Commissionners 11 37.93%
Assembly composed of Party Members 3 10.34%
Assembly elected every x turns 3 10.34%
Participative Democracy instead of Representative 6 20.69%
Let's build the wonder : "Huge Banana" !!! 6 20.69%
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Old August 10, 2002, 08:06   #1
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Representative Democracy
Because not everyone would be able to play all time, and because that would improve gameplay fun, I think there could be a Congress or an Assembly elected, thus our contitution would be something like a representative democracy. Some polls could thus be left to the Assembly, for a quicker consultation of people's will.

We have three options for such an assembly :

1. The assembly is all the directors, the high commissioner, and that Alpha Talent

2. The assembly is all the party members.

3. The assembly is composed of n+1 members elected for x turns.
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Old August 10, 2002, 08:22   #2
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Re: Representative Democracy
The directorate already functions as an assembly, parliament or congress, and they are explicitly selected to represent people (unlike in a "real" system where administrative branch would ideally be selected solely based on their administrative skills). I do not think we need to have a separate assembly unless we get lots and lots more citizens. 10 people representing 30 people would be a bit daft.

But this reminds me of another issue: we should name the body of elected officials (Commissioner, Alpha Talent, Directors) General Assembly. That's what they call it in the real UN, I think.

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Old August 10, 2002, 12:56   #3
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Or the Secretariat... that's the executive branch of the UN. The legislative branch -- e.g. the citizens -- would be the General Assembly.

I voted for participative democracy. Let's keep this simple -- everyone in the community should have a right to vote in polls, whether they've been elected Director or not. Otherwise, this game would depart majorly from the democracy games of the past. Not to mention that it'd be difficult to tally votes of this representative body, since we couldn't use the poll function of the forum.
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Old August 10, 2002, 13:36   #4
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Old August 10, 2002, 13:49   #5
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If we'll go for participative democracy, we don't need this many directors, in fact we don't need directors at all. Just select a Commissioner who polls people about everything and makes choices. I think this is exactly what makes participative democracy boring as heck. I'd much rather have a mock-up representative system, that gives our political roleplay so much more depth...
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Old August 10, 2002, 14:00   #6
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As long as every one can vote on anything
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Old August 10, 2002, 15:18   #7
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Re: Re: Representative Democracy
Originally posted by Leland
But this reminds me of another issue: we should name the body of elected officials (Commissioner, Alpha Talent, Directors) General Assembly. That's what they call it in the real UN, I think.
I think (but im not sure) that in the UN, the General Assembly are just countries that are just part of the UN. They dont really have importance. The once that are important are the Secrurity Council.

Just a minor thing.
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