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Old September 28, 2002, 10:27   #1
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the economy minister role and another request
i saw that in the last orders thread (380AD-forth) Reddawg (Economy) ordered some cities to build courthouses, isn't this Godking's (City-planner) word on what improvements to build in each city? or is it because it fights corruption which is an economical issue?

and also, can someone post a thorough dicitionary, that defines all those initials and other terms which are common in the forum, so that newbies like me could understand all the debates and discussion around here, especially on the all important reports and orders threads.
thanks in advance
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Old September 28, 2002, 10:36   #2
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Check Spiffor's guide to the Demogame. Very top of the Directory, which is at the very top of this forum . Directory also contains a lot of other basic information -- you can find Maps in the Executive section, or department specific information in the relevent section.

-- adaMada

EDIT: Oh yea, about Reddawg's orders; I haven't seen them, but my best guess would be that he's advising, reccomending, or asking that Courthoses be built -- he's trying to decrease curruption in a few cities so that we can have a more effective economy.
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Old September 28, 2002, 13:37   #3
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it's to be taken as a request and not a command; perhaps you did not realize as well that the Courthouses in Del Monte and Here It Is were put into construction this turn; my only request is to switch the Cathedral in Macross City to a Courthouse. Said request is being transmitted to Godking already.

Last edited by Reddawg; September 28, 2002 at 13:43.
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