View Poll Results: Which law(s) should we go for?
§1a 14 14.43%
§1b 15 15.46%
§2a 13 13.40%
§2b 9 9.28%
§3a 9 9.28%
§3b 11 11.34%
§4 16 16.49%
Law of bananas: §X, others... 10 10.31%
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Old October 12, 2002, 10:25   #1
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Pre-poll: (law) City Naming
Hi, READ before voting!
We need to democratically sort out this amendment.
This is unoffical but would impact the final proposition...
(and for that we need 2/3 majority)

Through the discussions, our people has come up with different
suggestions. If other suggestions are to be added to the final poll, just post them here, and include the option
Law of bananas: §x, others.
Otherwise, choose from beneath: ( one, two or many)

§1a. " What must be done for naming cities, is the duty that falls mainly on the Minister of Imperial Expansion, hereafter referred to as MoIE, Who chooses the city sites and goes about building them. "

§1b. "Cause this is to be the logical course, the new duty for the MoIE would be to take all the ideas for city names, arrange them into a poll which the citizens can vote for, and then put that poll into effect where neccessary. "

§2a. "Under no circumstance, are any citizens in any position,
allowed to use a their (nick)name on a cityname. "

§2b. "As for our founding fathers, here defined as the 1st. Apolytonian governmental term, should their (nick)names be exclued from the rule in §2a. And so forth be distributed by the MoIE in a proper manner as a memorial to our ancestors."

§3a "Each cabinet member can choose one cityname whereas
that refers to some theme. This theme will be decided by an offical poll, and executed by the government. "

§3b "Renaming of current cities are possible by those cabinet members, when those cities are not named
through a system within this law. "

§4 "Each cabinet member can choose one cityname whereas
that name can refer to anything that he wishes to.
The cabinet member can therefore include his own nickname."

Discussion about this here: (and other places too)
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Last edited by ThePlagueRat; October 12, 2002 at 10:33.
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Old October 12, 2002, 10:34   #2
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You should also poll on whether people want it to be the MoIE or the CP, since GK has been handling this more than GF during the past term.
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Old October 12, 2002, 10:39   #3
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Hmm, if a b-clause gets more popular than an a-clause, and the b-clause refers to the a-clause, then I have to reformulate it a bit, just to fit the rest.

And the least popular will have to go down the drain,
if they create contradictions with the more popular ones.
Otherwise, I think it will work out...
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Old October 12, 2002, 10:45   #4
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Originally posted by Arnelos
You should also poll on whether people want it to be the MoIE or the CP, since GK has been handling this more than GF during the past term.

Yes, if §1 gets through.
That would be a new responsibility outside the constitution.
This could only be an amendment, so that duty could theoretically be put on anyone in the government...
We can reformulate to "the government" perhaps?
If §1 gets popular, that is.
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Old October 12, 2002, 10:54   #5
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a little complicated, eh?

i have no problem with nicknames for cities, but we should be able to rename a city whenever we want to
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Old October 12, 2002, 11:11   #6
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Here is another suggestion...
If enough people wanna hook of the banana/others option,
maybe we can us this too?

§5 "In handling the naming and renaming of cities,
the City Council shall have the highest authority.
Only through an official "City Council: _ " - votation can anything be changed. The government is responsible for executing this council's decisions. "

What about that?
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Old October 12, 2002, 11:31   #7
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Squiggy 1 (How DO you do that character?): I do like the MoIE having this responsibility because it adds more to the position.

Squiggy 4: I don't mind that a Minister gets to name a city anything they want as a reflection of their time in office, but it should be a one time deal. If they are elected againn and have a city, they cannot exert the option.

Squiggy 5: sounds good.

My 2 Lytons...

Squiggy (6): There should be a place holder for the cities until the process for choosing a city name has been completed. A la new elemental in the periodic table. That way, we know what is still available to create a name for.
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Old October 12, 2002, 11:37   #8
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Originally posted by Mr. Orange
Squiggy (6): There should be a place holder for the cities until the process for choosing a city name has been completed. A la new elemental in the periodic table. That way, we know what is still available to create a name for.
Just use the AI-assigned name...
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Old October 12, 2002, 11:53   #9
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Sure. But where is the fun in that? Have the MoIE work for their Lytons.
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Old October 12, 2002, 12:04   #10
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§2a. "Under no circumstance, are any citizens in any position,
allowed to use a their (nick)name on a cityname. "
I oppose this clause with all my might! This is the only reward most ministers get for all of their tiresome work.
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Old October 13, 2002, 16:57   #11
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Well, duddha...
It seems that your opinion is the one with the most public support. Take a look at the Uber Island and look at the citynames there. If the Apolytonian people really think that's nice, I would not be proud of my own people.

I think that's a shame, since now we can never get rid
of stupid citynames, like abbreviations and so on.
Great. One final clause I can come up with to help the situation:

§4b "Under no circumstance, must a city be named with an abbreviation"

Ok, I did what I could...
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Old October 13, 2002, 22:13   #12
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I have no problem switching this to MoIE, as

a) it looks like the MoIE will fall under CP with the new code of laws.

b) CP has lots to do, so if someone else is willing and able to do the job fairly.....

I agree with duddha, ministers should have the option.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:

As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
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Old October 13, 2002, 22:23   #13
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i abhore all of these laws.

i think there should be no restrictions on the naming of cities.
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Old October 13, 2002, 22:33   #14
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Originally posted by GodKing
I have no problem switching this to MoIE, as

a) it looks like the MoIE will fall under CP with the new code of laws.

b) CP has lots to do, so if someone else is willing and able to do the job fairly.....

I agree with duddha, ministers should have the option.
I also agree, MoIE should be incharge of this.

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Old October 13, 2002, 23:20   #15
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I gotta stand by option 4... I don't care if the citynames are lousy, if someone who took a month of their time to help the game liked it enough to make it part of their legacy, then so be it. The past names (that were decided by ministers/judges/etc) should stand, and I'd like to see us do it this way throughout the future.

As for who actually renames the cities (MoIE or CP) I don't really care -- it goes well with either, but I guess the MoIE has a bit less work so perhaps it should go there. Either way, it'll be a lot less relevent when the new Constitution comes out, as I think it's well known that the MoIE will probably not be an elected Minister.

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Old October 14, 2002, 08:24   #16
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New suggestion: vote on the city names democratically.
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Old October 14, 2002, 09:33   #17
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Originally posted by Duddha
I oppose this clause with all my might! This is the only reward most ministers get for all of their tiresome work.
Let the ministers pick then... but choose a theme to work with and not something as random and arbitrary as most of the names seem to be.

And, anyway, I doubt anyone who ran and continues to run for office would have a right to feel the work they are doing is "tiresome" as it is completely voluntary.
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Old October 14, 2002, 10:31   #18
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I see no reason to have a law/amendment for this, and wonder if you were smoking your famous bananabus at the time.
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Old October 14, 2002, 10:42   #19
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I disagree with 2A. Sure I don't want anyone naming a city after themselves, but someone's name may just happen to be a good city name (say, suggested by someone else)
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Old October 14, 2002, 11:21   #20
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That's a point Epistax.
Just now it seems that §4 will lay one head in front of the others.
Silly names could then appear in the future too.

So should we include the none-abbreviation clause as well?
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Old October 14, 2002, 11:31   #21
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The most popular clause one at the moment:

§4 "Each cabinet member can choose one cityname whereas
that name can refer to anything that he wishes to.
The cabinet member can therefore include his own nickname."

- This would permit any stpd. name incl. abbr. or a compl. ridicls. nick

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Old October 15, 2002, 00:08   #22
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Perhaps we could could simply have a law that ANY cityname must pass a vote before going into effect. Say a minister chooses to name a city after himself, fine, but more citizens must vote approval than vote disapproval. If it is voted down, the minister may take ideas posted in the thread and "tinker" the name abit and then resubmit a name for the city.

Last edited by GhengisFarb™; October 16, 2002 at 01:15.
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Old October 15, 2002, 10:00   #23
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A very good idea Ghengis! Now we are getting somewhere...
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Old October 15, 2002, 13:04   #24
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Good idea GF
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:

As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
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Old October 15, 2002, 15:04   #25
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how about an OPD clause whereby the president can make up or open the floor to suggestions for temporary names when new names are not avaliable like when we take 4 cities in ones turn.
Are we having fun yet?
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Old October 15, 2002, 15:39   #26
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Well, that's right... but should he not then inquire his (hopefully) cooperating Ministers for those four names?
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Old October 15, 2002, 23:39   #27
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GF always seems to have good suggestions. I agree.
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Old October 16, 2002, 01:13   #28
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Originally posted by OPD
how about an OPD clause whereby the president can make up or open the floor to suggestions for temporary names when new names are not avaliable like when we take 4 cities in ones turn.
As long as the official can spell and doesn't mistype TWO of the city names............

"I suggest Hole in the Wall"
(in OPD type: Holeinwall)

"I suggest Boomtown"
(In OPD type: Boom_town)

Dare I continue: enomomy, Comander, and millitaty.

And that was just over the weekend.

The OPD era will be remembered fondly for the Great Wonders that were wrought and the fact that we only had a 6% literacy rate....................

(Its just in fun, OPD. I may not LOVE you as much as WhiteBandit, but you're okay in my book.)
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Old October 18, 2002, 12:50   #29
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I don't know why so many people voted for a clause where
the ministers nicknames could be the cityname.
Do the people think the nicknames here are so cool?

But it's gonna be in the amendment too because I posted that option, perhaps along with a restriction on abbreviations on citynames? So OPD could not be a cityname, while Timeline can?
What about that?

(the whole point was to avoid silly names like BFM and AGC)
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Old October 20, 2002, 22:36   #30
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Where did this "Neon Uber City" come from? We worked to get a bunch of the silly names fixed before the end of last term and the first thing that happens is another weird name for a city.

When are we going to get "Hot Pink Pinapple City" or maybe we should found "Sunburst Yellow Glow Astro Bright City"?

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