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Old November 15, 2002, 06:44   #31
Civilization III Democracy Game
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Originally posted by player1
...As for lack of replay feture I doubt it would be fixed in fist next patch, since it is "lack of feature", not bug, so it would need much more programming (like subroute which would need to save one turn replays), and Firaxis is trying to give us quick Internet MP fix patch. But I think it would be fixed in some patch after that. Some Firaxian told me that they are looking at that issue, but it would take some time.
I agree, that was my expectation, which is fine.
On a related note, I would have thought PBEM would have been high on the list of priorities, especially as the nature of the CIV game best fits that type of mulitplayer mode (IMHO)

...anyway I can't get PTW yet so I can hardly compain
tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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Old November 15, 2002, 21:57   #32
PtWDG Glory of WarInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamACDG3 SpartansPtWDG2 Monkey
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your damn right PBEM should get high priority! I'm a greedy bastard so I rather have see my favorite feature fixed before all else!!!

Seriously, Hopefully they dont neglect these two features since most people seem to have their main attention on the new non-turn based style. Personally, I feel only PBEM and hotseat can retain the pure conversion of civ SP to MP.

My friends have spread all over the globe, sinc emany are studying abroad or on the opposite side of the coast. it's a bit hard to schedule a meet just to play hotseat. Thank god for PBEM, love that feature... Hotseat rules too though
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Old November 15, 2002, 22:30   #33
Local Time: 10:53
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The lack of the replay feature is worse than what some of you think. It literally ruins hotseat and pbem games. Its as if half the game has disappeared. If you dont think its that bad, than i challange you to try playing a hotseat/PBEM game, than come back.

It should get a high priority in the next patch, because it renders hotseat/PBEM unplayable.
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Old November 16, 2002, 18:28   #34
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Difficult, not unplayable.

I played agains my borther and I won.

Bothe of us were good Civ3 players.

And I was the one hadicapped with no reaplay (he saw all Ai moved, while I was unable).

And game was still fun.

But annoying one or twice.
(when AI sneakly time razed my city and I've seen that 2 turn later)
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