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Old November 15, 2002, 18:08   #1
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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940 A.D. Turnchat - saves posted here
Here's the starting save (with CP orders done):
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Old November 15, 2002, 18:22   #2
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamC3CDG Team BabylonC4DG SarantiumCiv4 SP Democracy Game
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we are on the poly server

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Old November 15, 2002, 19:50   #3
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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During 940 A.D.

Sold WM to Babylon for 4 LPT + 6L (all their money) + 1 worker
Sold WM to Persia for 18L (all their money) + their WM
Sold WM to Iroquois for 30L (all their money) + their WM
Sold WM to Aztecs for 29L (all their money) + their WM
Sold WM to China for 16L (all their money) + their WM
Sold WM to Rome for 27L + their WM
Sold WM to Germany for 13L + their WM
Sold WM to England for 25L + their WM
SMC submitted additional orders to move a Cavalry from Contagion and 2 swords from Muncie toward Susa (in the event approaching Russian caravel was a threat)
Science Slider raised to 60% - income now 351 LPT
Researched switched to Magnetism - complete in 4 turns

Between Turns:

Russian caravel east of Uber Isle moves north
Russian caravel south of Susa moves east, then north
German horseman moves along border
Aztec and Greek knights move along borders
WLTPD in Chartres and Boomtown
Germans are building Shakespeare's Theatre
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Old November 15, 2002, 20:57   #4
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Turn 1 (950 A.D.):

Upgraded 2 WC's to Cavalry for 240L
Upgraded Spear to Musket for 60L
Embassy to Babylon formed (74L cost)
Reduced Science Slider from 60% to 50% (research still complete in 3 turns)

Between Turns:

Russian Caravel east of Uber Isle moves NE
Russian Caravel south of Susa moves E (3 tiles direct east)
Indian Galley moves near our Caravel east of Uber Isle
Roman Galley moves near our Caravel east of Uber Isle
English Riflemen moving near border
6-8 German units moving around near border
Several Aztec units move near border
WLTPD in Antioch, Bacteria, and Ghengistown
Source of Furs (from China) lost - we will renegotiate this turn
Source of Gems (from Zululand) lost - we will renegotiate this turn
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Old November 15, 2002, 21:54   #5
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Turn 2 (960 A.D.):

GhengisFarb's orders had ordered a worker in Bacteria to swim out into the Ocean. The worker complained. GodKing ordered the worker to learn to swim. Utlimate decision made to send worker E, NE, mine rather than W, NW, mine (yeah, PW orders are tons of fun... )
Upgraded 2 WC's to Cavalry for 240L
Upgraded Spear to Musket for 60L
Formed Embassy with China for 73L
Traded India Democracy for Furs + their WM
Traded Zululand Democracy and Dyes for Gems + their WM

Between Turns:

Russian Caravel south of Persia moves south toward China
Galley (either Indian or Russian) west of China moves south
Multiple German riflemen moving along border
Greek knight moves along border
WLTPD ends in Willsbury and Bacteria
WLTPD starts in Port of Malignance and Oak Ridge
Romans building Shakespeare's Theatre
English building Shakespeare's Theatre
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Old November 15, 2002, 22:59   #6
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Where It's At and Where It Isn't
Confusion over placing Port of Where Its At. 970 A.D. mid-turn save for turnchat participants:
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Old November 15, 2002, 23:25   #7
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Turn 3 (970 A.D.):

Bought Magnetism (1 turn away from completion) from Greece for 247L (we spend 591LPT on science).
Researched switched to Theory of Gravity (4 turns to completion - slider still at 50%)
Port of Where It's At founded - building Temple
Upgraded 2 WC's to Cavalry for 240L
Upgraded Pikeman to Musketman for 60L

Between Turns:

Zulu Galley moves near our Caravel east of Uber Isle
More German riflemen moving along border
LOTS of Aztec movement (archers, longbowmen, spearmen, knights, workers)
Russian horsemen movement on both borders
Roman rifleman moves toward Hole in Wall, moves back into fog
WLTPD in Loveshack
WLTPD cancelled in ??? (Persian annexation somewhere) and Another Glorious City


Would just like to point out that I was CORRECT on the placement of Port of Where It's At. So, indeed, it's at where it's at
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Old November 16, 2002, 00:42   #8
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Turn 4 (980 A.D.):

Upgraded 3 Pikemen to Musketmen for 180L
Theory of Gravity bought from Aztecs for Dyes (renegotiation) + 457L + WM
Science Slider set to 60% (255 LPT income)
Research set to Medicine (6 turns)
Traded WM's with Rome (no money attached)
Sold WM to England for their WM + 10L
Sold WM to Germany for their WM + 32L
Sold WM to Greece for their WM + 2LPT + 1L
Rush worker in Grenoble for 24L - will abandon city
Rush worker in Tours for 16L - will abandon city
Rush Temple in Port of Where It's At

Technology Report (980 A.D.):
Germany has Nationalism
England has Nationalism
Greece has Nationalism
Rome has Nationalism
Aztecs have tech parity with us
India needs Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
Japan needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
Russia needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
Iroquois need Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
Babylon needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
Persia needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
Zululand needs Physics, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
China needs Democracy, Metallurgy, Military Tradition, Physics, Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism

Between Turns:

2 Iroquois galleys move off the coast of Greece
Zulu galley moves toward Greece
German musket, 2 workers, a longbow, move away from border
2 Aztec units move away from border
Greek knight moves along border
Roman rifleman enters view near Hole In Wall, then exits again
WLTPD ends in Jerusalem and Loveshack
Tours Abandoned
Grenoble Abandoned
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Old November 16, 2002, 01:44   #9
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Turn 5 (990 A.D.):

Upgraded 2 Pikemen to Musketmen for 120L
Theory of Gravity sold to Zulus for 14LPT + their WM (India now has the tech)
Letting Silks for Dye deal ride with Japan (best renegotiation deal was apparently continuation of current deal, but we give them Theory of Gravity)

Between Turns:

Japanese galley west of Greece moves south
A number of German riflemen move around near border
English warrior (!!!) moves off of border
English rifleman moves up to, then off of border
Russian horsemen move about
Many Aztec units (spearmen, longbowman, 1 knight) move about in American annexation
3 Greek Cavalry move around near Chiquita
WLTPD in Susa, Loveshack, and Jerusalem
Aztecs are building Shakespeare's Theatre
Iroquois are building Shakespeare's Theatre
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Old November 16, 2002, 02:33   #10
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Turn 6 (1000 A.D.):

Upgraded 2 Pikemen to Musketmen for 120L
Magnetism sold to Zulus for 13LPT + 5L + their WM (FAM rep's figure, as with Theory sale, Germany will sell it to them if we don't)
Rushed Courthouse in Dijon for 232L

Between Turns:

Re-negotiated Silks deal with Japan - we give them Dyes and Magnetism for their Silk
Several German riflemen move away from border
Aztec units move about
Greek cavalry move about (and 1 knight)
Roman rifleman scouts toward Hole In Wall again
WLTPD in Whelsh Coast
India is building Shakespeare's Theatre


This save will now be passed around for the 1010 A.D. Turn. It will be passed in the following order:

1. GhengisFarb (MoPW orders)
2. Aggie (SMC orders)
3. Togas (FAM orders)
4. E_T (CP orders and rushes)
5. Arnelos (revolution, end turn, and save for next admin)

Here's the save for GhengisFarb. Please continue to post saves for the turnthread in this thread.

Thank You.
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Old November 16, 2002, 03:22   #11
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Originally posted by Arnelos
Turn 6 (1000 A.D.):
This save will now be passed around for the 1010 A.D. Turn. It will be passed in the following order:

1. GhengisFarb (MoPW orders)
2. Aggie (SMC orders)
3. Togas (FAM orders)
4. E_T (CP orders and rushes)
5. Arnelos (revolution, end turn, and save for next admin)

Here's the save for GhengisFarb. Please continue to post saves for the turnthread in this thread.

Thank You.
I'm confused, the new administration should take over now right?

Are we supposed to do the orders in the game ourselves, because it so the save will be in 1.29 format after I do my orders.
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Old November 16, 2002, 03:28   #12
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb

I'm confused, the new administration should take over now right?

Are we supposed to do the orders in the game ourselves, because it so the save will be in 1.29 format after I do my orders.
Don't use old save files in 1.29.
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Old November 16, 2002, 03:41   #13
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb

I'm confused, the new administration should take over now right?

Are we supposed to do the orders in the game ourselves, because it so the save will be in 1.29 format after I do my orders.
No. Not until the 18th.

If you have updated to 1.29, leave it for the next minister or tell someone else what to do.
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Old November 16, 2002, 03:57   #14
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb

I'm confused, the new administration should take over now right?

Are we supposed to do the orders in the game ourselves, because it so the save will be in 1.29 format after I do my orders.

Just give me the MoPW orders then. I've been doing a (fairly) decent job of executing them so far I hope...

Then I'll pass it on to Aggie from there.
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Old November 16, 2002, 04:15   #15
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamC3CDG Team BabylonC4DG SarantiumCiv4 SP Democracy Game
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CP Pre-Revolt Budget Request
This is my budget Request for the Pre-Revolt. This is to keep these items from being further delayed, i.e. adding a turn to the TOC.

1 turn Items:
Contaginon - Bank for 68L
Tarsus - Cathedral for 4L
San Cortez - Worker for 16L
Boomtown - Worker for 4L
Whelsh Coast - Worker for 20L
Total 1 turn Rushes: 112L

2 turn Items:
Bacteria - Library for 64L
Total 2 turn Items: 64L

Total 1 turn Rushes: 112L
Total 2 Turn Items: 64L
Total Request: 176L

These other Rushes are for other Items that need to be Rushed, but can wait until later with reduced costs

Other Rushes:
Memphis - Courthouse for 244L, subtract 12 LPT
Total other Rushes: 244L


P.S. Arnelos, I did get your PM, but the 1 turn Items really should be rushed before we go to Revolt. Because they were 'completed' before the revolt was started, they will be finished the next turn. If they are not rushed, add one turn to the time that they will be completed.
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Old November 16, 2002, 04:25   #16
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb

I'm confused, the new administration should take over now right?

Are we supposed to do the orders in the game ourselves, because it so the save will be in 1.29 format after I do my orders.
Arnelos, If GF needs time to compile his list for the PW stuff, we could put him at the end and have the list bump to Aggie for next stuff to do. You can do the PW stuff just before you do the Revolt.

As for my stuff, it just to rush the 1 turn TOC (and maybe 2 TOC) items, to keep them from being delayed unnescesarily by the Revolt. As long as they are approved, you an do them yourself.

REMINDER FOR POST REVOLT - Check for any Starvation. Some cities might have starvation, no matter what you do to help it out. Just do the best that can be done and hope we don't lose any population.

Also, we forgot to rename the cities per Jonny's Orders, do that before you post the final save.

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Old November 16, 2002, 04:32   #17
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Originally posted by E_T
Also, we forgot to rename the cities per Jonny's Orders, do that before you post the final save.
I've already communicated with Jonny about this via PM. I will name them when I get the save back for doing the revolution, checking for starvation, doing the endturn, and then switching to democracy and saving it for President Aggie...

This gives me a night or two to think about what to name them
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Old November 16, 2002, 09:57   #18
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Originally posted by Arnelos


Just give me the MoPW orders then. I've been doing a (fairly) decent job of executing them so far I hope...

Then I'll pass it on to Aggie from there.
Go ahead and pass it to Aggie, I won't be able to post them for another 10 or so hours. We are going into a Revolution at the end of this turn, right?
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Old November 16, 2002, 11:09   #19
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamC3CDG Team BabylonC4DG SarantiumCiv4 SP Democracy Game
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb

Go ahead and pass it to Aggie, I won't be able to post them for another 10 or so hours. We are going into a Revolution at the end of this turn, right?
Yes, so anything that isn't completed in one turn will be delayed by revolt and then we'll be in Democracy.

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Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
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Old November 16, 2002, 14:17   #20
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Sorry I just dissapeared last night.... power outage.
Looks like everything went well.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:

As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
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Old November 16, 2002, 22:38   #21
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Originally posted by GodKing
Sorry I just dissapeared last night.... power outage.
Looks like everything went well.
Except for that aquaphobic worker! Why didn't he swim?

Directives of the Apolytonian Labor General

(Public Works)

For Example, if the city was Timeline, the Green tile would be "Timeline wnw", and the blue tile would be "Timeline S".

Worker(s) in red represent Apolytonian (Egyptian) Workers which work twice as fast as Foreign Nationals.

1010 AD

Third Jungle Corps newly formed
14 Workers se2 of Gaia move SW

Worker NE of San Cortes moves NE

3 Frenchies ene of Macross City build mine {complete}

3 Frenchies ene of Macross City move NE

Worker sse of Macross City moves SW, then SW, then SW

3 Workers nnw of Here It Is move S, then SW

3 Workers nw2 of Here It Is move S

Worker in Here It Is moves W

3 Frenchies sw2 of Heliopolis build road {complete}
3 Frenchies sw2 of Heliopolis irrigate {2 turns}

Frenchie SW of Heliopolis moves SW then irrigates {complete}

5 Frenchies W of Heliopolis move SW

3 Foreign workers SW of Opiadom clear jungle {4 turns}

First Jungle Corps
12 Workers sw2 of Timeline clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers sw2 of Timeline build road {complete}

First Jungle Corps, Mining Auxiliary
6 Foreign workers NW of Chartres build mine {complete}

6 Foreign workers 2 tiles S of Rheims move SW

Worker nnw of Hole in the Wall moves N

Foreign workers wnw of Ubergorsk clear jungle {2 turns}

3 Foreign workers ene of Loveshack move S

3 Foreign workers N of Ghengistown move W

Second Jungle Corps
12 Workers W of Antioch clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers W of Antioch build road {complete}

6 Foreign workers wnw of Contaginon move N

2 Workers SW if SW of Neon Goober City irrigate {complete}

2 Workers wsw of Boomtown build road {complete}

2 Workers wnw of Shiberport move S then irrigate {complete}

Worker wsw of Shiberport moves S, then S, then S

2 Workers S of Shiberport move NW, then NW

Note that orders in purple are actions wasted as we will be in Revolution at the end of the turn, there just wasn't anything for them to do other than "skip the turn".

Sorry, I couldn't do any better.

Last edited by GhengisFarb™; November 16, 2002 at 23:38.
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Old November 16, 2002, 22:54   #22
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Originally posted by Arnelos
Then I'll pass it on to Aggie from there.
As soon as I get word from Aggie I'll do my orders and post the save back here and then PM the next person on the list.

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Old November 16, 2002, 23:34   #23
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Save after SMC orders
Here is the save with all smc orders done.
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The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
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Old November 16, 2002, 23:53   #24
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FAM orders are complete. Here is the save:

Added: Just did some mapwhoring. Nothing signifigant to report.
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Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.

Last edited by Togas; November 18, 2002 at 00:50.
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Old November 17, 2002, 00:42   #25
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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I'll execute GhengisFarb's MoPW orders when I get my hands on the save last. Go ahead and do all of the City Planner work to the save and post it here (please PM me when you're done with it though - thanks).
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Old November 17, 2002, 02:34   #26
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Originally posted by Arnelos

I'll execute GhengisFarb's MoPW orders when I get my hands on the save last. Go ahead and do all of the City Planner work to the save and post it here (please PM me when you're done with it though - thanks).
What am I allowed to Rush? I need to know before I can do anything. See my earlier post in this thread, for the budget requests.

The FAM save shows that we have 674L in the Treasury. My 1 & 2 turn total rush costs are 176L. If those are approved, then we will have 498L left. The Courthouse in Memphis can wait.

Please let me know.

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Old November 17, 2002, 05:39   #27
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Ok, I just looked at the save and at your list of rushes. Go ahead and rush the 1 and 2 turn things so that they aren't affected by the revolt. The courthouse in Memphis can indeed wait for at least another turn until the revolt is done.
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Old November 17, 2002, 09:46   #28
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamC3CDG Team BabylonC4DG SarantiumCiv4 SP Democracy Game
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Thanks, I'll Have the save posted soon.

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Old November 17, 2002, 10:50   #29
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamC3CDG Team BabylonC4DG SarantiumCiv4 SP Democracy Game
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CP rushes done and orders for the Interregum
This is my General & Specific Orders for Post Revolt but before (and during) the end of turn:

The next built for the Rushed cities is in the Queue, so just click o.k. for what to built next when between turns.

Check for Starvation (Zero Growth is O.K.) in All Cities. If starvation cannot be fought off, reduce it to the least impact as possible.(it will only be for 1 turn). You shouldn’t have too much you’ll need to do, I’ve moved some WF’es anyway to maximize food in some of the cities, but check anyways.

Specific Cities:
Willsbury - have at 0 or 1 food surplus. This City is close to losing WLKD with the extra pop until a market is built.
Tarsus - have at 1 - 2 food surplus. This City is close to losing WLKD with the extra pop until a market is built.
New York - have at 1 - 2 food surplus. This City is close to losing WLKD with the extra pop until a market is built.

That’s it.

Here’s the save,

Attached Files:
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Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
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Old November 17, 2002, 17:24   #30
Civilization III PBEMPtWDG Glory of WarCivilization III Democracy GameC4DG SarantiumPtWDG2 TabemonoInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton Team
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Smc turn 1010 report.
Upgraded pike to Musk in gotham. I moved a musk from macross to Rheims, now our vulnerable cities all have 2 defenders, at least on the greece/german front. Antioch is the only vulnerable significant city with only 1 defender. I have the mingapilco defense force set up now and recommend that Thud, as smc, set up a similiar 4 unit defense force in the old persian homeland. I unit is on the way there and I recommned others too. Another unit is one the way to a spot between Willsbury and portmalignance to defend both. On uber I am going for the following defense, a 3 musk force in the center of the south + 1 calvary. In the north of uber I want 1 more musket(not including the unit going s). My estimates say we need to produce 7 more muskets for a strong defense(3 for uber, 3 for perisa, 1 for antioch). Every city won't be garrisoned, by they all will be in range of a strong defensive force in time of need.
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