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Old November 23, 2002, 04:01   #1
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Forget the Big 4, Japan makes the Big 5...
That's right, Japan is now a member of the "Big" Club, making it the "Big 5". Japan is seemingly the nation which discovered STEAM POWER within the past turn (1070 A.D.) and traded it to Rome, Germany, and England. Interestingly, they did not trade it to Greece.

As such, here's the current tech standing of each civ:



Japan: Nationalism, Medicine, Steam Power, Communism
Germany: Nationalism, Medicine, Steam Power, Communism
England: Nationalism, Medicine, Steam Power, Communism

Greece: Nationalism, Medicine, Communism

Apolytonia: Nationalism, Medicine
India: Nationalism, Medicine

Aztecs: Nationalism
Russia: Nationalism

Zululand: -
Iroquois: -


Babylon: need Magnetism
Persia: need Magnetism

China: need Metallurgy, Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism, and Military Tradition

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Old November 23, 2002, 06:49   #2
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You're absolutely right. However, this list will soon be trimmed down and back to four again, after we deal with Germany...
Btw, according to the histograph, Germany is the weakest of all 5 big civs in score and power, but we know they're the leading researchers, or one of the leading researchers. Here we see once again why Germany was such a great choice as a target.
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Old November 23, 2002, 10:52   #3
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that kinda stinks if Japan is up and coming and can be contender where research is concerned. we don't have much of a recourse; a war to rein in Japan would take a massive amount of troops and planning for an invasion.

Even by taking Germany out, I fear now that we won't be able to prevent the proliferation of technology to our biggest rivals or maintain a tech lead any time soon.
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Old November 23, 2002, 13:00   #4
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The only thing that makes Japan a prime contender is their monopoly on Silks. They might be an up and comer, but they have a powerful tool to use at the trade tables.

Wittle the Big 4 down to size (while aquiring their science wonders) and Japan will not be a problem in the future.

If they do, we just raze a few of their prime cities and they will have to start from scratch.

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Old November 23, 2002, 14:53   #5
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hi ,

, we should try to break that monopoly , and let us have the monopoly , ......
it would be worth a war

have a nice day
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Old November 23, 2002, 18:19   #6
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Logistics is the problem here. We have to spend huge amount of resource to devote a war with japan. Due to the vast distance between Japanese Continent and our, our initial troop number has to be lot larger than equivalent of attacking some other nation of equal size on our continent.

I ask myself how can a nation surrounded by a barren iceland on top PLUS loitered with sandy beaches on the bottom for about 3/5 of the mainland japan be a worldpower? Their open land isn't even grassland, with the exception of capitol area. Geesh that silk monopoly must be really helping them alot!
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Old November 24, 2002, 07:54   #7
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Originally posted by Calc II
Logistics is the problem here. We have to spend huge amount of resource to devote a war with japan. Due to the vast distance between Japanese Continent and our, our initial troop number has to be lot larger than equivalent of attacking some other nation of equal size on our continent.

I ask myself how can a nation surrounded by a barren iceland on top PLUS loitered with sandy beaches on the bottom for about 3/5 of the mainland japan be a worldpower? Their open land isn't even grassland, with the exception of capitol area. Geesh that silk monopoly must be really helping them alot!
hi ,

one more reason to break that monopoly , ........

have a nice day
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Old November 25, 2002, 13:07   #8
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Japan is so far away that a vast aramanda would be needed for us to attack them.

Germany is much easier to take out, this will elimate one of Japan's trading partners.
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Old November 25, 2002, 23:09   #9
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Agreed, To mount such resource just to attack Japan sound little ridiculous... for now.
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Old November 26, 2002, 17:02   #10
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Our war with Germany gets us their best cities, doesnt that make us The Big 1?

If not, then war with England will get us enough to become The Worlds Only Superpower?
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