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Old March 20, 2001, 14:26   #1
ACDG3 Gaians
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SMACX Starting Seeding
Many have noted that the Pirates tend to start near the monsoon jungle. This tendancy seems to be more pronounced when the AI gets the Pirates than when I do.

I'd be interested if anyone could confirm or deny some of the other SMACX Single Player seeding tendancies I have noticed:

1. The Cult starts more often in or near a large fungus patch than the other factions when you play them.

2. The Aliens never start on an island when you play them. They are always on a continent or have a land bridge available to a continent.

3. When you play the Hackers you are more likely to be immediately beside one or more factions.

4. In general SMACX distributes the factions more unevenly over Planet than SMAC.

5. SMACX random maps typically generate more water on average than SMAC random maps.

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Old March 20, 2001, 15:39   #2
Garth Vader
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I can't talk about SMACX, but starting seeding is anything but even in SMAC. One game I started recently as the PK's my HQ was 5 squares from the Hive and 9 squares from New Jerusalem. In another game I was started on a small continent with the PK's and Spartans while the Gaians had a larger continent all to themselves.

I think SMAC is a little fairer when playing MP and on easier levels.
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Old March 20, 2001, 21:18   #3
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In the parallel alien games MP, I played with Googlie, I started out on a 7x7 island(5 bases), as the Usurpers. Luckily I went for SotHB first, (cause I got an energy special on a river for my second base). I took mobility as my free tech, and went to D:Flex next. The path to IA took a little longer, but I got a load of AA's that game with my 3rt transports. 2nd land found was a good size continent, with the monsoon jungle at the far end.
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Old March 20, 2001, 21:40   #4
Christantine The Great
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When I play the Cyborgs, I usually get a rather largish continent when playing with 70%-90% water. I have already gotten the Garland Crater on my continent two to three times. (I've played only 12 games with them)
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Old March 20, 2001, 23:15   #5
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Garth, I think you are right. The seeding is better (more random) in MP. Both in SMAC and SMACX. Still it isn't the best. I have started 6 tiles away from my opponent in a two player game.
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Old March 21, 2001, 01:59   #6
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It's kind of true, that the pirates start near the monsoon jungle quite often. I usually play the pirates and i usually start near the monsoon jungle, but the jungle is almost always filled with usurpers, or if i choose not to have aliens, Zak.

Another prevalent thing in my SP games is that i almost always start near either H'minee or Dee or Aki (something about green color..)

Old March 21, 2001, 05:38   #7
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1. Seems to be true.

2. Seems only to be right if the AI plays the Aliens. My current game with Marr, I startet on an island only big enough for four bases. But I got an unitiy foil as additional gift.

3. I can't confirm that. I have played two games with the hackers, in one I startet next to another faction, but in the other, I was all alone on a large continent.

4. Definitely true.

Some other things I have noticed:

The AI tends to give the Manifold Nexus to one of the Aliens.
Custom faction have good chances to get the Nexus as well.

Lal often starts near the Unity Wreckage.
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Old March 21, 2001, 07:14   #8
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1. I would say it depends on wether or not you have abundant or not. But if you do have it then Yes.

2. A big yes.

3. More than often.

4. No idea (probably)

5. Not peticular.

[This message has been edited by knowhow2 (edited March 21, 2001).]
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Old March 21, 2001, 15:04   #9
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Old thread...
But anyway
1) Cult also has a greater tendancy to start inland than other factions.
2) I've played as aliens and started on an island.
3) No idea
4) I think it's a transcend difficulty thing.
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Old March 22, 2001, 15:12   #10
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1. And the Cult's formers immediately start removing that advantageous fungus. [smacks forehead]

2. I'm not sure about the islands thing. My first SMACX game I was Marr, alone on a tiny island of Mount Planet plus four protruding squares. From Marr's map, I saw that everyone would be in similar straits (all these phony square landmasses told me exactly where most of the landmarks were). Okay. Then when I found the Caretakers, her main city was on a 1x1 island (I have no idea how she expanded from it, or how it ever grew). Lucky for her the Monsoon Jungle was the nearest landmass, so her other bases had caught up some.

3. Yes, RIGHT next door. If Morgan's around, the game is [accidentally, I'm sure] logical and puts the splinter group nearby.

4. Seriously! My current game is a large map with all these bunched-up clusters. I (the Drones) was puttering along on the southern end of the world, seemingly alone. I finally found Yangie, my nearest neighbor, only when I popped through a dimensional gate after about 25 years. Our nearest bases were about 20 squares apart. Meanwhile, up on the northern end of the world, were: both aliens (rock-throwing distance apart), Morgan, Angels, and Pirates. A thriving little neighborhood of conflict. [So why is she asking ME for Svensgard's phone number? Don't get me started!]

5. Very wet or very dry, haven't seen many in-betweens. Current game is almost entirely one honkin' landmass with the occasional small inland seas. I had to open up two northwest passages to exploit the waters. And Morgan gets so touchy when you drown his bases . . .

It seems that the "enmity placement" was more obvious in SMAC than SMACX, probably because there's not the same pairing off of enemies among the 5 new humans. As Morgan, you know Deirdre's nearby (especially if it's an island -- can't have the buddy system . . .). Same with Yang/PK, Zak/ Miriam. The aliens are the obvious opposition, but they've been right next to each other in all my SMACX games so far. Not much of a Crossfire as a Dragging In.

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Old March 22, 2001, 15:13   #11
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Ack! I got demoted to Settler. Serves me right for giving up the game for a year . . .

[why not colony pod, but I guess that's no more flattering . . .]
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