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Old April 24, 2003, 08:40   #121
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But to continue being wrong when you know it is worse still. To admit a mistake when you realise it has been made is forgiveable, continuing with it because you are to proud to admit otherwise is not.
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Old April 24, 2003, 08:49   #122
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Yeah okay then who can;t deal with the fact that the courts and the others here have said otherwise. Sorry mate, your wrong on this one.
Repeating a statement does not make it any more true the second, third, or four thousandth time. You have failed to provide any argument whatsoever to support yourself. Ergo, you cannot simply claim that you're right.

But to continue being wrong when you know it is worse still. To admit a mistake when you realise it has been made is forgiveable, continuing with it because you are to proud to admit otherwise is not.
I did not make a mistake. I called you on what you yourself admitted was wrong.
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Old April 24, 2003, 08:54   #123
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No we are not talking about that that you are continually defendeing Arachic for taking my nation when the courts have proven him wrong and you also is not right.

In other words, when found out or when I say something that you cannot handle, you try and change the subject or twist its meaning.
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Old April 24, 2003, 11:57   #124
Giovanni Wine
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Wine Military Reformation

After several years of refunding the military of the Kingdom of Wine have been reformed, even if it was reduced in number of troops, those troops are now high tech and receive elite trainings. In the reformation the Air Force and the Navy were also very much enlarged.
(as much as buying 1 Carrier and 2 more Battleship), in the meanwhile the Nuclear Arsenal has been slightyly reduced.

Ground Force:
Troops: 2'500'000
Marines: 700'000
Spec/Ops: 5'600
Tanks (Alfa-Ferrari WT4 A): 120'000
Mobile AA: 12'000
APC: 25'000
Self propelled Artillery: 4'530
Rocket Artillery: 5'045
Jeeps and other support trucks: 100'000

Pilots: 1,500,000
Fighters (C-34W): 1'800
Fighter/bombers (CB-12W): 1'250
Ground-Attack Aircraft (CAT-23W): 570
Heavy Bombers(BP-78W): 320
Helicopters (E-23W): 1'600
Slealth Bombers (BS-45W): 73

Sailors: 2'300'000
Air Craft Carriers: 16
Battleships: 32
Cruisers: 30
Destroyers: 96
Missile Frigates: 120
Missile Subs: 42
Attack Subs: 35

Nuclear Forces:
Nuclear Weapons: 320 ICBMs
Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): 43
Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs: All dismantled

Other Unconventional Forces:
Wine Bomb: 45'000 (special bomb which explode 1 Km above it's target nebulizing wine in the air, people breathing the air get drunk and would get easily captured )

Elite Forces:
Royal Guards
A highly trained group consiting of 1'500 soldiers and 80 Officers, they have the best training of all troops and they are there to protect the life of the Royal Family.
Many legends were written about them, and they are believed to be immortals, although the real reason behind that is that as soon as obe of them perish in battle or retire he is immediatly subbed by another elite soldier taken from the "Steel Guardians" division

Steel Guardians
Just belowe the Royal Guardian, they are the pride of the Wine's military. The division was borned during the XVIII century during the Transalpine invasion, Transalpinian troops were almost arrived at Nebbiolo and outnumbered the defence 10:1, despite that the startegy adopted by the Steel Guardian was so perfect that they managed to repeal the attack, and the Kingdom of Wine could than survive the invasion.
Basically what the steel Guardian did was to dig several tunnels from under the city to the countryside nearby, place several explosives in that and make them explode under the transalpine troops (OOC: Tactic really adopted by the people of Torino (my city) during one of the several French invasion, when the French outnumbered the Torinese troops in a similar way).

Folgore Division
The Folgore Division is an elite paratrooper division, their name means: lightning, they are usually the first troop to enter the unknown land during an invasion, and their duty is to create a detailed map of the region and clean the way for the tank divisions

Arditi Division
The Arditi always distinguished for their bravery in combat, they are the elite Marine troop, perfect for assaults in all terrains, they receive a very harsh training and are usually equipped with the best technology available.

Decima Legione Mas
This division distinguished itself during the last Apolytonian World War, their members are taken from the top infantry soldiers and receive special trainings, there is nothing they can't do, although their strenght is also their weakness, as they can do everything they are asked to do, but they are not specialized in anything.
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Old April 24, 2003, 16:01   #125
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Originally posted by Archaic
Sheeps failure to acknowledge the RP that Urbanised has declared itself independant from "United Sheepsta" doesn't change the fact that it happened. However, for once, he is partially right. Urbanised is *NOT* held by Alecrast. It is mearly being defended by Alecrast troops under the Fonseca treaty.
Who does control Urbanised, in RL? You cannot RP an election for a nation that does not belong to you. That is God-modding. Nor can you RP a nation away from someone else.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 24, 2003, 16:09   #126
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Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
Ergo, you cannot simply claim that you're right.
Actually, since it is his nation, and his RP, he can. If you feel that his military is far to large (as I do) then ignore him, and refuse to acknowledge his troops. However, it is his RP, so even without defending it at all, he can claim that he is right.

Sheep: I know you used Akiria as a guide, and I do not have a problem with that, however, things such as the large bombers, I doubt you have, since we invented them. You may have developed that, but as you stated, you copied the details from my thread. I spend an inordinate amount on my military, and thus I have very high tech equipment. But it would be so hard to make a plane to launch an ICBM, the development would run into the tens of Billions of USD. Therefore, by all means use my nation as a guide, but please don't steal our technology. Come up with your own if you wish, and use other nations as guides for numbers (military-population ratio for example). However, due to the exaggeration in your numbers (I have to say they are too large to be feasable, IMHO) I would advise you to re-do it, without stealing technology, and with realistic numbers. As Sheepsta is relatively militaristic, maybe ~2% max of total population in the military would be about right, and that would involve quite some RPing too. With the 2nd largest spending per capita in the region, Akiria still has only 0.9% of population in the military, just to give you an example.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 24, 2003, 16:14   #127
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Originally posted by Archaic
Maybe if you didn't godmod so much and post so many insane things that were so obviously outside of the realms of possibility......
Those are too seperate things. I admit what you post is much more realistic, and believable, but you godmod too. The fact it is believable, does not make it not godmodding.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 24, 2003, 18:15   #128
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Drouge: I am the process in refining the figures. Thanks for the tips. I work best to write something then get it closer to what it really should be.
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Old April 24, 2003, 19:35   #129
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That's good. Look forward to seeing the new military
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Old April 24, 2003, 21:30   #130
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The fact is that many, many people godmod. And I feel like the odd man out when I try not to.
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Old April 24, 2003, 21:39   #131
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Well. Why do it? I do not, as it spoils what someone is trying to do with their nation. If someone god-mods with me, I just ignore it, or deny it.
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 24, 2003, 22:00   #132
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I decreased the military
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Old April 24, 2003, 22:07   #133
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Dakmoristani Military Breakdown

This is how these threads usually go. Everyone's stats creep up and up and up the longer the thread goes on, until eventually someone has 72 aircraft carriers and 250 million men in their standing army. The hell with this. I don't need it, and I doubt you do either.
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Old April 25, 2003, 01:50   #134
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I will try to update soon. Just I have been coming home late and not having lots of time to go online.
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Old April 25, 2003, 03:33   #135
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New Griffith

And feel free to correct me if you think I was smoking something when I made these up.

Equipment and troop classes from Giovanni Wine's and Mr. President's post. Nice and simple.

New Griffith Armed Forces

Land forces

Troops: 1,000,000
Marines: 60,000
Spec/Ops: 40,000
Tanks: 9,000
Mobile AA: 1,000
APC: 21,000
Self propelled Artillery: 900
Rocket Artillery: 500
Jeeps and other support trucks: 70,000

Air forces

Fighters (K-7, F-19): 1000
Fighter/bombers (K-45, K-46): 560
Ground-Attack Aircraft (AC-130, D-4): 121
Heavy Bombers("Griffo"-class): 1
Helicopters (AH-75): 1213

Naval Forces

Air Craft Carriers: 3
Battleships: 5
Cruisers: 44
Destroyers: 73
Missile Frigates: 50
Missile Subs: 11
Attack Subs: 24


Neutron bombs (number classified)
Microwave anti-personnel weapons (prototype only)
Chemical weapons stockpiles include malodorants, defoliants, anesthetic gases, hallucinogens.

Any renowned regiments:

The Griffith League - 10,000 men
These troops stood at the gates of the capital Nathan as the civil; war of Griffith came to a climax. They are responsible for the formation of the socialist government now in place.
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Old April 25, 2003, 05:22   #136
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Equipment and troop classes from Giovanni Wine's and Mr. President's post. Nice and simple.
Actually my equipment and troop classes were stolen from a post by Jack_www, therefore all credits should go to him

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Old April 25, 2003, 11:15   #137
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If I become mod, I will create a thread to post military size in, and top it, so we have a record. This can then be used for discussion, sicne it is a little cluttered to be used as the record.
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Old April 25, 2003, 23:53   #138
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I think the sizes of my different sections (air, land, and sea) are not in correct proportion.
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Old April 26, 2003, 00:01   #139
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Naval Forces

Air Craft Carriers: 3
Battleships: 5
Cruisers: 44
Destroyers: 73
Missile Frigates: 50
Missile Subs: 11
Attack Subs: 24

Sheep, you do realize that according to the position you've taken on the map, New Griffith is landlocked, don't you?
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Old April 26, 2003, 01:27   #140
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Yeah my bad. I was in a rush. I forgot to mention that according to the treaty of Mt. Gravatt that New Griffith has a small navy based in Sheepstan ports.
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Old April 26, 2003, 01:40   #141
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update will come tommorrow, since it is getting late here. Tommorrow I will have the time to do this.
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Old April 26, 2003, 08:39   #142
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Originally posted by Sheep
Yeah my bad. I was in a rush. I forgot to mention that according to the treaty of Mt. Gravatt that New Griffith has a small navy based in Sheepstan ports.
Such an easy mistake...

/me checks military post for and embarresing 'irregularities'
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 26, 2003, 08:45   #143
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That navy doesn't look particularly 'small' to me...
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Old April 26, 2003, 10:31   #144
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Maybe, but it doesn't look that huge either.
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 26, 2003, 19:57   #145
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Not that huge, but it's probably bigger than that of many First World countries.
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Old April 26, 2003, 21:26   #146
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Well, it's about the same size as Dakmoristan, which is a much smaller (although with coast) nation IIRC. It is not too unrealistic IMHO, and thus I would let it slide.
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 26, 2003, 21:28   #147
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I would, but one does have to wonder what a nation without a coastline needs with anything more than a very minimal navy.
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Old April 26, 2003, 22:06   #148
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and to think, the pitiful United States Navy has merely 27 cruisers and 57 destroyers
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Old April 27, 2003, 00:59   #149
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Really? I suppose the US doesn't need that large a navy, with technology being more missile and airborne, but I thought it was bigger than that In that case, I think most of us should reduce our navy size. I will do, but its 6 in the morning ATM, and I've been trying to write an essay all night, so it will wait until the morning.
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"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old April 27, 2003, 03:05   #150
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We need a new thread for rankings, this one has too many post that are not millitary stats. I think I will start a new thread and we can disscuss the millitary stats in here.
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