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Old August 9, 2003, 12:37   #61
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Maniac is correct

And I have captured passing ships in SP games (most recently as the Angels, which brought my post to the forefront) - but I can't remember if I was able to do it with other factions.

(re: antigrav struts and marine detachment on probes - Darsnan, over at CGN, has an amended alphax.txt where he has put all the dormant flags to use thus allowing some extremely interesting combinations)

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Old September 3, 2003, 19:08   #62
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Googlie wrote

After much negotiations between forums, the (ongoing) Forum Wars series between ACOL, CGN and 'Poly hammered out the following rules of governance (and this series involves 36 players, I believe, drawn from all 3 forums):


• Communications - none till contact, obtain commlink, or build EG (team mates can communicate from the beginning)
• Total freedom in Design Workshop (upgrades anytime, during turn or on-field)
• Retro-engineering - OK, except for using the probe rover chassis before discovering Doc. Mobility
• SE switches "quickies" forbidden - (obviously you can experiment to see what effect various SE choices have, but cannot change, play moves, then change back in the same turn)
• Council notification - immediate broadcast to all players (Post in the thread and e-mail to all immediately by player who has called elections, citing candidates and votes. After each player's turn, post in the thread the running totals)
• Stockpiling in Qs anytime - OK
• Crawlers Upgrade anytime - OK (see Design Workshop, earlier)
• Probe actions: Must choose vendetta option when probing other players, rebuke when probing pactmates (OK to probe teammate at any time)
• Demanding withdrawal through the menus rather than by negotiation is prohibited
• Bribing (or accepting bribes) for votes through the diplomatic channel box by clicking on the faction leader's picture is prohibited (must be conducted by diplo message or e-mail)
• Multiple drops - cannot use the right click mouse feature to extend range of drop units beyond the 8 tiles (pre Space Elevator)
• Base growth through Colony Pods - can be used to increase a base size up to the applicable pre-facility limit, but cannot be used to breach that limit without the facility being built.
• Psi units cannot be assigned multiple waypoint patrol routes (to avoid instant demon boil bug)
• Cannot accept pending treaties/pacts after declaring vendetta in the same turn
• Cannot change an infiltrated faction's workers to specialists, for example by using the F4 screen (or the bases icon of the F2 screen)


I agree Apolyton's TauCeti moderated PBEMs are more restrictive, but in my experience most games I'm asked to set up use the Forum Wars rules set

This is the ruleset we're following right? Someone brought up a strategy that wasn't allowed in the above. I just want to clarify that these are the rules everyone is following.
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Old September 6, 2003, 10:07   #63
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameAlpha Centauri PBEMApolyton Storywriters' GuildApolytoners Hall of FameACDG3 GaiansACDG3 Data AngelsACDG3 MorganACDG3 CMNsACDG3 SpartansC4DG Team Alpha Centaurians
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That is my understanding, and based on these I have been giveing my one-off rulings

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