Onideus_Mad_Hatter Post Generator

Just cut 'n' paste this text in response to any message on a UseNet newsgroup or PoE, Lego, or Adult Baby message board and YUO HAVE WON TEH ARGUMENT!

Your Mad Hatter post:

Um, well of course they wouldn't let me spar with you, you're in the ladies boxing classes, you fuckin retard. *rolls eyes* Jebus Fjuckin Keerist, what are you in the "very" special forces? Did they hand ya a gun, tell you which end not to point at yourself and load you up on the fuckin short plane to Afganistan? I could probably smash my hand into yer face before you could even lift yer hand up to take a swing at me. Boy I guess you won teh prize, huh? After all, I'm *SO* concerned about what people online think of me. Just remember, there are no stupid questions...just stupid people. First of all it's non sequiter, lose the dash.

And Here is the Translation of Your Post:

Yeah, people laughed at me in high school, but what else is new? I eat Golden Cremes and leave the empty packages all over my nursery. I like to play with my belly because it's really big and round. I love to piss in diapers.

About the Hatter

Onideus_Mad_Hatter brings to the Portal of Evil a long glorious history of Usenet flamewar defeats and shitting in diapers. He flatly denies the overwhelming evidence that he is a complete fuckwad. His forum at PoE has grown very quickly, mainly due to OMH's obsessive posting - six times as much as anybody else, in fact. According to my database, OMH's signature keywords include "cl00", "diapers", and "Lego", and he is also very, very stupid.

This is revision 2 of the Mad Hatter Post Generator, last updated 19th January 2004 by Codehappy.That was the 13706th generated Mad Hatter message since 14 Jan 2004, 0103 PST.