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Welcome to the Movies

Well, here it is, my movie palace, my little cinematic corner. This is the skinny on the film you really wanted to hear. These aren't little one paragraph reviews, I'm afraid. They all reveal a lot of information about the plot, so really these may be more attractive to people who have already seen the movie.

These aren't journalistic reviews, either. These are basically thoughtful and very opinionated essays which I hope will spark thought or discussion on the film subject at hand. They also have a good bit of Codehappy attitude, and hopefully enough humor to make you smirk. Watch out for the occasional "Special Extra!" as well.

Enough rambling. If you please, let's dim the lights and see what we watch....

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

19 Jan 2003

A magical madman invites five kids into his huge and mysterious factory. Five go in but only one will come out unscathed! Muahahaha! (They would never make a children's film like this today. Never. It's way too fun.)

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visits since 2:13 PM PST 19 Jan 2003